They say an apple a day can keep the doctor away, but we are here to tell you that lemons aren’t bad at the job either! This amazing little citrus contains several properties that can …

Diet Consistency – 8 Easy Sneaky Ways to Get and STAY on Track!
You can do all the workouts that you want in the world; but if your eating habits are poor, you are literally just wasting your time! Do not be fooled. Diet Consistency is the only …

Mushroom Diet- Why Mushrooms Are The New Trend In Our Drinks!
You are what you eat. For that reason, we are always looking for new REAL food ingredients that enhance our health for the better! That is why we are seeing the uptick of Mushrooms in …
Keto Snacks Sweet: The TRUWOMEN Bars Halle Berry Swears By!
Halle Berry has one of the HOTTEST bodies in Hollywood and in the world in general. How does she keep her amazing BAWDY? Two words: Keto diet. As they say, when it comes to getting in shape, diet plays a HUGE role. Berry understands this well and stays on track with good food as well as Keto Snacks Sweet items that are tasty beyond words!
How good are TRUWOMEN bars? Check out this review from an actual customer of the snack healthy brand:
Keto Snacks Sweet: The TRUWOMEN Bars Halle Berry Swears By
Halle Berry, Halle BERRY! Each Friday this amazing woman shares her sexy secrets for feeling and looking your best. This week the John Wick star took time out her busy schedule to answer a fan question about what type of Keto snacks she personally eats. Her answer: TRUWOMAN.
Why does she like them? In a statement to her fans Halle Berry reveals,
“It’s Fitness Friday and y’all have been asking, so here is my answer – my go-to Keto snack? TRUWOMEN BARS! They’re super healthy, plant based and dairy free. They taste amazing! I will only ever post about products I love and can honestly recommend this to everyone.
Today’s PHIT TALKS is ALL about the Keto Lifestyle as Peter Lee Thomas and I cover all your frequently asked questions on living Keto. Balancing your protein intake, mid-workout cramps; and my go-to keto meals during pregnancy.
Catch the conversation on Stories and IGTV, and have a great weekend everybody.”
Seriously, guys these bars by TRUWOMEN are the truth! When you eat them you can indulge without any guilt. That’s because they contain NO:
- Gluten
- Dairy
- Soy
- Sugar Alcohols
- And are Plant Fueled
Want to try out these yummy Keto snacks? Get them here. Buy individually, or in a pack of 6 or 12 bars. Pricing for a 12 pack is $29. Furthermore, go under FLAVORS and you will be able to check out 10 different delicious versions. Happy shopping!
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Thoughts on Keto Snacks Sweet: The TRUWOMEN Bars Halle Berry Swears By? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fitness as well as lifestyle related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.
DIY Home Gardening -Get Your Best Body Growing Organic Food!
We’re just going to be really honest right now… we’re all being poisoned. They are things being put into our food that you don’t even want to think about! However, you can begin to undo the damage by starting your own diy home gardening space.
It’s easier then you think and not as expensive as it used to be. Now you may be thinking, “But my place is small and I don’t even really have a backyard.” No problem, you’ve got options. Or… “I don’t even know what plants to start with.” Once again, we’ve got you.
To learn more about having your own personal garden all you’ll have to do is simply scroll on. So then, don’t settle for the unhealthy options we are unfortunately being offered up at the market. Start building your own garden of REAL organic produce.
DIY Home Gardening -Get Your Best Body Growing Organic Food!
In order to make things super easy to get started, check out the following which will explain and demonstrate how to make a home garden! The advice given will work whether you desire to build a simple backyard garden; or create a fresh apartment garden. Pretty soon you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor.
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Thoughts on DIY Home Garden -Get Your Best Body Growing Organic Food? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things lifestyle as well as home decor related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.
Iron Rich Foods Vegetarian -Ultimate List of Plant Foods High in Iron
Are you a vegetarian? Great, and even if not this post is still going to be great for you! Why? Well, most likely if you are here it is because you are searching for plant foods high in iron. As a result, you have come across the right place because today we are sharing a cheat sheet, the iron rich foods vegetarian ultimate list!
Nevertheless, why exactly is that we need iron anyway? It is because our blood literally requires it in order for us to stay healthy. You see, iron is an extremely important component of hemoglobin; a substance found in red blood cells that helps to carry oxygen from our lungs to all around our body. Basically, helping with the transportation of oxygen to the parts of our body that needs it. Therefore, VERY vital.
Furthermore, if we begin to lack iron something bad starts to happen. Our body can no longer make enough healthy oxygen-carrying blood cells. Uh…oh. Yes, uh oh indeed! From there you can develop a lack of energy and begin to experience a dip in mental as well as physical performance. Low iron levels can cause a reduction in stamina and mental focus.
As one can see, iron is not something we can just forgo. Many choose to get their daily requirement from meat; however, if that is not your lifestyle or you just rather consume iron found in plants then the following list will certainly help you out!
Iron Rich Foods Vegetarian -Ultimate List of Plant Foods High in Iron
We have included a infographic for your viewing pleasure. Also, you can save to your phone for instant access to help you remember. However, here is our cheat sheet at a glance:
- Swiss Chard
- Spinach Leaves
- Watermelon
- Dried Apricots (organic)
- Medjool Dates
- Raw Cashews
- Pine Nuts
- Chia Seeds
- Quinoa
- Chickpeas
- Kidney Beans
- Collard Grees
- Fresh Parsley
- Bananas
- Goji Berries
- Dried Prunes
- Raw Pistachios
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Brazil Nuts
- Sesame Seeds
- Oats (organic)
- Navy Beans
- Lima Beans
- Raw Cacao
- Lentils
- Nettle Leaf Tea
- Spirulina Powder
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Thoughts on Iron Rich Foods Vegetarian -Ultimate List of Plant Foods High in Iron? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fitness as well as nutrition, diet and lifestyle related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.
The GreenPrint Project -Eat Vegan See Beyonce in Concert for Life!
Beyoncé put out one post and she already has fans shoveling in grass. Okay, that is a little drastic, but the point is that many are now willing to give a vegan diet a try. The GreenPrint Project is a “system” that was created to help people get healthier and in turn sexier by turning to a plant based diet.
As a result, Beyoncé and her hubby, Jay Z are challenging their fans to consume better foods. Both Bey and Jay have been apt vegan dieters and the results are in the vegan pudding. When Queen Bey slims ALL THE WAY down this is the diet secret she uses. Therefore, if it is good enough for the queen, now we all can finally have the body of a celebrity… without the knife or needle.
The GreenPrint Project -Eat Vegan See Beyonce in Concert for Life
So then, how does this all work? Marco Borges, the trainer of Beyoncé and Jay Z; and the mastermind behind GreenPrint Project briefly summarizes it this way,
“The Greenprint is a program for a health transformation. It is also a blueprint for plant-based eating. And, yes, it is vegan, but with a difference.
You don’t have to change every item in your diet. Start with one change like meatless dinners and build on that. The road to well-being starts with making informed decisions that will help you shop, cook, eat and feel better.
Did you know? The best sources of protein are plant based; like beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Love food that loves you back. Love food that will give you health and vitality.”
Want to take the plunge so that you can win some Bey tickets? Well, to get started all you need is a positive attitude, determination, 22 days; along with Marcos Borges 22 Day Nutrition Program. Acook book that tells you everything you have to do.
Yes, you will need to be firmly dedicated for 22 days straight. Why? Well, Borges is utilizing the proven technique that it takes 22 days to make something a habit. So in 22 days you will be more in the swing of things when it comes to eating vegan. So much so you may never go back.
Furthermore, the online 22 Days Meal Planner (which comes as a $14 monthly subscription, so we are not referring to the book in this case); comes with meal plans, assistance and even a food delivery option if you live in certain areas. This will no doubt help you to stay on track and focused on reaching your goal.
Our next post will be pretty in-depth when it comes to the nutrition plan. So if you are really wanting to try this out be sure to read it.
Besides the 22 day plan, picking of The GreenPrint Project book itself will be very helpful. What’s inside? The GreenPrint Project page had this to say,
“The most revolutionary plant-based lifestyle is here! With meal plans, more than 60 delicious recipes; step-by-by guidelines; and inspirational success stories; the book will forever change your approach to food and your perspective on health.”
The GreenPrint Project -Eat Vegan See Beyonce in Concert for Life (Continued)
However, one quick word on the free concerts for life. Yes, the contest is very real. To enter you must sign up online at and pledge to give the vegan lifestyle a try. Must be 18 years and older, plus be a U.S. resident.
If you do win you can expect one free concert per tour. Lastly, the free concerts will only be for up to 30 years. So kinda not quite a lifetime (LOL); BUT, that places Bey and Jay in their 70s-80s so you probably will not miss much.
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Thoughts on The GreenPrint Project -Eat Vegan See Beyonce in Concert for Life? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.
Healthy Ice Cream Flavors -Treat Yo’ Self Without Guilt
If we are keeping it real; trying to lose weight without a treat here or there is the total pits! Life is meant to be enjoyed, and sometimes that includes a bit of the “sweet life.” Well, hunnies, deprive yourself no more! Today, we are going to share with you several Healthy Ice Cream Flavors that taste almost too good to be true.
Healthy Ice Cream Flavors -Treat Yo’ Self Without Guilt
Live the ice cream fairy tales loves. While most ice cream brands will easily run you around 200 calories for just a half of cup serving. How does eating a half cup with only 75 calories sound? Do you we have your attention? Because it’s real.
Ice cream brand Halo Top serves up flavors that start at just 240 calories PER PINT! You see, Halo Top changes the game because they have made a few tweaks. The brand utilizes prebiotic fiber to rid there products of some of the fat; AND replaces some sugar with stevia and erythritol. So you get to enjoy a yummy, creamy taste in a more low-cal fashion.
Halo Top is made with milk and cream, but their flavors are quite extensive. Be sure to try out:
- Mint Chip
- Birthday Cake
- Chocolate
- Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (this is honestly Halo Top’s best flavor and it is the BOMB!)
- Peanut Butter Cup
- Cinnamon Roll
- Sea Salt Caramel
- Strawberry
- Red Velvet
Healthy Ice Cream Flavors -Treat Yo’ Self Without Guilt (Continued)
Ben & Jerry’s are such rockstars of the ice cream world. Therefore, it is amazing that they have taken the time to revamp. No, all the usual “full fat” creations are still available; however, now you can also get healthier Ben & Jerry’s.
In 2018, the brand launched a new ice cream line called Moo-phoria. What’s the difference? In a nutshell (sorry we couldn’t resist lol); there’s less calories, fat and sugar in each pint. Works out to about 150 calories per half cup. Also, another plus is that each Moo-phoria ice cream is completely made with organic dairy.
So then, what are the flavors? You can lick yourself up some:
- Chocolate Milk & Cookies
- P.B. Dough (LAWD we love this one!)
- Caramel Cookie Fix
So then, there you have it. You do not have the go the rest of your life without a delicious dessert here or there. However, always remember to take things in moderation so that all of your hard work is not derailed. Spoons up loves!
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Thoughts on AHealthy Ice Cream Flavors -Treat Yo’ Self Without Guilt? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things health as well as lifestyle related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.
Honest Truth: Are All Gluten Free Foods Nasty?
Are all gluten free foods nasty? No. However, you will need to shop around and be willing to test out a bunch of brands; until you locate what tastes “normal” to you.
While going gluten free you will notice that bread does not seem to taste the same like gluten bread. Pasta is not quite pasta. Moreover, even crackers seem to be a little bit off. You see, the issue is if you have been eating processed foods with gluten all your life; you are used to various tastes and flavors that food companies have manufactured.
Most gluten free foods will not possess these exact same flavors, if as much flavor at all. As a result, you may have to readjust your taste buds some and be willing to search out like a treasure hunter all gluten free foods that seem to be more like “the real thing.” Nonetheless, do not worry they are out there!
Honest Truth: Are All Gluten Free Foods Nasty – There’s Hope
For instance, food brand B Free sells various types of breads from rolls to bagels and sliced loaves. Their bread products are awesome because you can toast them up like gluten filled bread without them falling apart or melting away.
While UDI’s is a major name in the gluten free realm, a lot times their products fall short in the taste department. It can feel like you are consuming bland cardboard. However, even if you are unable to discover gluten free products with tons of awesome flavor; there are some things you can do to up the taste factor.
Going back to bread try using very flavorful cheese or sliced meats to give the bread of your choice a much needed boost. Boars Head is absolutely a savior in this department! Their meats and cheeses are gluten free and FULL of flavor. Making them a safe find for those aiming to stick to a gluten free diet as well as a food haven for celiacs.
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Black Girl Fitness- Should I Take a Multivitamin or is it Unnecessary?

Should I take a multivitamin? That is the question that is plaguing many health-conscious ladies around the world. Furthermore, things get even more confusing when experts with varying views and opinions also weigh in on this topic.
For instance, some health experts say that eating only good, clean, nutritious food is all a person needs. Yet, others still believe strongly that consuming a multivitamin has its place in a proper diet. Therefore, who is right and who is wrong? Also, should taking a multivitamin be a decision that is made more due to a person’s lifestyle or schedule?
Black Girl Fitness- Should I Take a Multivitamin or is it Unnecessary?
The truth is multivitamins cannot replace good nutritious food, however, they can help. Mr. David Levinsky is a professor at Cornell University. In regards to taking multivitamins daily he says, “I take a multivitamin every day as a little insurance policy. For certain groups of healthy people, especially those whose diet has nutritional gaps, a multivitamin can help fill in those gaps.”
Moreover, health and nutrition expert Madelyn Fernstrom offers up another good reason as to why taking multivitamins could be a benefit. Fernstrom is a professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. In reference to multivitamins Madelyn says, “In a perfect world we would all eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. We would all exercise regularly, but that’s not a reality. People can be strapped for time or money and don’t meet their daily nutrient needs. Also, you have to remember that many studies look at large population groups, not individuals.”
Should I Take a Multivitamin or is it Unnecessary?
So then, if a person does decide to take a multivitamin doing so will have its benefits. No, it will never take the place of a good meal. However it will have the ability to help supplement an already healthy diet so that a person can meet the recommended requirements for certain minerals as well as vitamins.
Nevertheless, that brings us to a brand-new issue. What type of supplement or multivitamin should a person take? Also, are all multivitamins created equal?
The scary answer to that last question is that, no, not all multivitamins are created equal. That is because some companies are allowed to sell multivitamins that are not even hundred percent completely derived from actual food. A real concern for anyone who is just trying to live a healthier lifestyle.
Take a Multivitamin or is it Unnecessary? (Cont.)
However, there is a practical solution to this health issue. Enter… Silver Fern Brand Whole Food Multivitamin. What makes this brand of multivitamin so different? Silver Fern answers, “Here at Silver Fern we believe you should get the most of your vitamins and minerals through the food you eat! But sometimes it’s hard to consume 8 cups of broccoli 11 cups of kale and 33 cups of spinach in the day we made it easy with our whole food multivitamin just two little capsules a day get the job done!”
But wait there’s even more benefits to taking Whole Foods multivitamins. Silver Fern continues, “A lot of you are wondering about multivitamins and why ours are different. So here it is: vitamins can be synthetic or natural. Many of the multivitamins on the market are synthetic parentheses meaning made in a lab parentheses rather than from actual real food! Companies can label it as natural as long as it contains 10% derived from plants. Silver Fern vitamins are hundred percent natural. Every bit coming from real fruits and vegetables! They are blended up and then we remove the cellulose (plant fiber) sugar, and protein… leaving dense nutrients that are then freeze-dried. We care what you put in your body and it was a frustration with what was on the market that drove us to create this unbeatable product!”
Take a Multivitamin – BONUS!
Sound like the perfect multivitamin for you? Get at Whole Foods grocery stores for $. Nevertheless, Whole Foods also wants to help you get started on developing an even better healthy diet for yourself. In collaboration with The Butter Half, this easy Gree Smoothie recipe was created to energize and fulfill your nutritional needs! Check it out below.
It’s time to start your day! Break your fast, with this delicious nutritious green smoothie, featuring our whole food multivitamin!
Ingredients Needed:
•2 cups almond milk
•2 Silver Fern Whole Foods multivitamin capsules
•2/3 cups Silver Fern Kaha protein powder
•2 tablespoons chia seeds
•1 tablespoon spirulina powder
•1 banana
1. Add milk, vitamins, protein powder, chia seeds, spirulina powder, banana, and ice to a blender. Blend on high for one minute until smooth.
2. Pour into glasses and serve immediately. Also, fantastic for sneaking some greens and vitamins into diets for kids.
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Thoughts on Black Girl Fitness- Should I Take a Multivitamin or is it Unnecessary? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fitness as well as nutrition related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.