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Help! I Blew Cheat Day! How to Get Back on Track Without Drastic Measures

You’re pacing the room franticly as you wonder how you fit a grab bag, two Twinkles, theater popcorn, cake and Italian dinner into your body. As a result, you stare at your full belly hoping and praying you didn’t just undo all your hard work. First, breathe. Everyone has had a day where they ate a little bit too much of this and that. To get a dream body it takes tons sacrifice and dedication. Which is why a cheat day is not only welcomed by many but an absolute must!

No one wants to go the rest of their lives without a little “fun treat” here and there. However, what many come to find out is that including a cheat day is sometimes an even harder challenge than maintaining a nutritious diet. However, you can survive cheat day and come to use it as a valuable asset in your weight loss journey!

Help! I Blew Cheat Day! How to Get Back on Track Without Drastic Measures

Did I blow it? That’s a question many ponder after a botched cheat day. However, the answer may be surprising. Most likely you did not. That is because it takes 3,500 calories in order to gain a pound of fat. So then, if you are normally eating between 1200-1800 calories a day it is very unlikely you ate 2300-1700 extra calories.

Also, it is about if cheat day turns into cheat month. If you got right back to your regular routine the day after you put yourself right back on the road to success. However, if things snowball out of control then your day of treats did unfortunately knock you off balance a bit. Therefore, the thing to remember is that one day in the long run will not mess you up, it depends on how you respond after.

cheat day

Lastly, many think that the best solution to overeating is to starve off the extra calories. This is a bad move. Starvation can cause you to lose muscle and be dehydrated. The better option would simply be to add in a little more exercise. You will burn off the calories and keep fitness at the forefront of your mind. So then, remember one day of treats is not bad and as long as you didn’t gorge you are most likely fine. Moreover, your actions after are truly the key, get right back on track and your goals shall be achieved.

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Thoughts on Help! I Blew Cheat Day! How to Get Back on Track Without Drastic Measures? Well, let’s connect then! Hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.

cheat day


The Right Vegetables For The Dieter

African american woman eating pizza at outdoor restaurant

Struggling with the battle of the bulge? Don’t despair, with the right vegetables you can eat as much as you want and not gain a pound. However, you must exercise caution in choosing the vegetables that are low in calories. What are these low calorie vegetables? The following types of vegetables are great to eat if you’re on a diet or want to lose weight. They include: carrots, cucumbers, radishes, fresh green beans, celery, cauliflower, cabbage, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and lettuce. Clearly, you don’t have to go all green when you’re on a vegetable diet. These choices not only contain the least amount of calories, but are packed with essential nutrients as well.

If you are on a low carbohydrate diet you may have heard that munching on vegetables is the way to go. However, just as there are vegetables that contain low and high calories, there are also vegetables that are low and high in carbohydrates. Vegetables that are low in carbohydrates include: sprouts, leafy greens, broccoli, mushrooms, avocado, peppers, summer squash, scallions, asparagus, bamboo shoots, leeks, eggplants, artichoke hearts, okra and more. Of course, low calorie vegetables are also low in carbohydrates so you can take your pick. So as not to ruin your diet, you might want to initially stay away from vegetables that are starchy and high in carbohydrates. These include: beets, corn, parsnips, peas, all types of potatoes and winter squashes.

Girl eating fresh salad

Other types of vegetables that should be included in your diet are those full of fiber. Though vegetables in general are good sources of fiber, there are certain types of vegetables that contain more fiber than others. Examples of fiber-rich vegetables include: brussel sprouts, carrots, beans, peas, and spinach. Other good sources of soluble fiber are cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. Soluble fiber helps keep you feeling full and therefore makes it easier for you to resist eating too much food.

Vegetables are generally helpful if you are on a diet; but, observing the right serving sizes will help accelerate the results you want to see. The National Cancer Institute has recommended certain serving sizes for different types of vegetables. The recommended serving size if you are eating raw non-leafy vegetables or cooked vegetables is half a cup. If you are eating raw leafy vegetables, the recommended serving size is one cup. If cooked beans or peas are what you’re having for a meal, the recommended serving size you should eat is half a cup.

When you pick out vegetables, try to go to the organic produce section. If you can’t get organically grown produce, then exercise caution by washing your vegetables thoroughly. Vegetables that are not organically grown contain pesticides which are harmful to your health. Of course when you are picking out vegetables you’ll want to choose the freshest available. You can tell vegetables are fresh if they are brightly colored and blemish-free or have the least amount of blemishes. In season vegetables are guaranteed to be fresh, so plan your meals around vegetables growing at certain times of the year. You shouldn’t plan on storing vegetables for too long. Buy only the vegetables you plan to eat within a few days and discard vegetables that have been stored too long.

When you eat vegetables, try to leave as much edible skin on them as possible. The skins on vegetables contain their own nutrients which can benefit your health. Eating vegetables raw is also a good idea as cooking them can take away some of their valuable nutrients while adding unwanted fat from the oil used. Vegetables are quick and cheap alternatives to fatty foods. Because they are low in fat, cholesterol, sodium and calories vegetables have been advocated to dieters for a long time.

The Right Vegetables For The Dieter3


Hair is What You Eat

Stunning Portrait of an African American Black Woman With Big Ha

Hair Quickie: When growing hair and keeping strands healthy, nutrition is an essential part. For instance, if you notice that your locks have become dull and lacking of lustrous shine it could be your diet having a negative effect. Try cutting down on cholesterol and fats in order help bring life back into your tresses.

What do you normally eat to have a healthy head of hair? Talk hair with us on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.


What Dieting Can Do to Your Hair

what dieting can do to your hair

We are surrounded with imagery of women who walk red carpets, runways or grace our television sets with perfect hair, makeup and physiques. To come as close as possible to this ideal look many women will take part in various fad diets. How safe are such diets when it comes to having healthy tresses?

In this article we will briefly explore the effects of low fat dieting. When it comes to having gorgeous hair eating properly is everything, what you eat will definitely reflect in the health of your locks. Hair is made up of keratin which is protein and being deficient in protein can lead to weaker locks as well as hair thinning. Opt for a protein rich diet including foods such as yogurt, eggs and fish. A diet rich in protein can result in hair becoming longer and thicker.

Did you know?…Soy protein found in tofu has been found to help encourage hair growth. What are your hair growth secrets? Feel free to join the discussion on our social media platforms.



Fitness Tip: Dine Out Like a Pro

fitness tip dine out like a pro

Dining out with friends and family is a fun and exciting experience if you’re not worried about your waistline. When you are trying to maintain your fit body or working towards shaping one the last thing you want to do is derail yourself after all your hard work. Therefore, how can you dine out without all the guilt?

When browsing the menu avoid items that have been battered, fried or made with tons of butter. Instead opt for food choices that have been prepared by being steamed, grilled or boiled. Moreover, many dishes come doused in dressings or sauces that can pack hidden calories. Ask your server to bring any sauces or dressings on the side so that you are in the driver’s seat with how much of the liquidity goodness is actually included on your meal of choice.

Two Women Eating Meal Together At Home


Chisel Your Physique With Iron

Chisel Your Body With Iron2

Fitness enthusiasts are not lying when they say that, ‘Abs are made in the kitchen.” Truth be told, nutrition is very important when it comes to shaping and toning your dream body. For instance, when your body is deficient in iron your cells are not able to receive the proper amount of oxygen which could result in a slower metabolism. Slow and steady does not when the fat loss race when a metabolism is a slug bug. To burn calories all day and even while at rest you need to fire up all cylinders!

Consuming and ingesting the right amount of iron is the first step. Vitamin C rich foods should be taken in as well to help your body ingest and process the iron more efficiently. You can ensure your body receives enough iron by taking a multivitamin or by eating the following foods:

  • Healthy Grains
  • Dark Leafy Greens
  • Chicken
  • Raisins
  • Soybeans
  • Oysters
  • Egg Yolks
  • Beans
  • Dried Prunes
  • Oysters
  • Red Meat


To get in shape and stay in shape you cannot ignore nutrition. A good workout can easily be made invalid by poor eating habits. Therefore, eat healthy and be sure to incorporate iron into your diet to chisel your physique.

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