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How To Apply Nail Polish Correctly -Tips, Tricks Plus Video Tutorial!

How To Apply Nail Polish

“Hmm… this nail design looked way different on Instagram. Why does it look like my fingers are bleeding? Well, at least my whole hand looks pretty and glittery.” If any of those have ever been your thoughts, we feel your nail pain and can honestly say that we have been there and done that. Unfortunately, some of us paint our nails like we are shuddering and shaking from the extreme cold. Therefore, let’s fix that forever as we share exactly How to Apply Nail Polish Correctly.

Why Should I Learn Proper Technique? Well, if you think of your nails as being fashion accessories, you will never look at them the same again. Nicely executed nail looks truly do wield serious star power in any head-to-toe ensemble. Your clothing is the lead, but nails our dears are the best supporting actor. If they shine, you sparkle.

Do I Need to Prep My Nails First? The verdict is… always! This means if you have old polish still sticking to your nails it needs to be removed first with nail polish remover. You want to also make sure that you nails are just clean period. Aim for them to be free of all dust, dirt and moisture. Before any paint application you will want your nails to be super clean. If they are not you run the risk of the new nail polish not adhering or sticking properly.

Seriously… Is Base Coat Really THAT Important? Do we need the sun and moon? So then, it is never a good idea to skip the step of applying a base coat. Base coat helps to prevent dreadful chipping and unsightly nail stains. Have you ever removed your nail polish and noticed that your natural nails now look yellowish or discolored? Most likely you skipped applying base cost. Therefore, after nails are clean, polish on a base coat and let it completely dry so that you can reap the benefits.

How To Apply Nail Polish Correctly

How To Apply Nail Polish

Most likely if you have navigated to this post there has been occasions that you have felt like a pre-school kid coloring while trying desperately to stay within the lines. Or perhaps when attempting to polish your nails the end result looks like a design of Edward Scissorhands or your baby brother took his revenge. Leave all of that in the past and take a few deep breaths, because with a little practice you can be polishing like a professional.

Getting salon and spa finish nails is not just a dream, anyone can learn. Ready? So then, let’s begin!

Check out this cheat sheet featuring a few Pro tips we picked from popular LA nail gurus:

  1. It’s a three stroke process, one stroke down the middle of the nail then one stroke of nail polish on both of the sides.
  2. Keep your strokes long.
  3. Don’t worry if you are unable to polish your entire nail (especially those pesky sides) because when you do your second coat you’ll be able to get the spots you missed.
  4. Always apply two coats of polish because that will help you not only get the true color you want, but the right consistency on all the nails.

How to Apply Nail Polish -HELP I MISSED UP!

How To Apply Nail Polish

No one is perfect, so you can’t always expect to get it right. So if you do experience a tiny beauty flub, don’t panic. There are ways to disguise and mask your nail polish fail so that no one will ever know.

  • In the Nick of Time– All of us enjoy checking to see if our nails are dry prematurely. We can’t explain this phenomenon; however, the resulting fingerprint is very real and most likely not apart of the intended design. If you find yourself in this predicament try using a free wet finger to smooth things out. Or apply another layer of top coat to regain the nice and sleek finish you desire.
  • Man in the Iron Mask– Take a lesson from this story and utilize a mask in order to hide a flaw. Use a glittery nail polish to disguise any imperfections. You’ll create a chic accent nail that will still look fabulous. Just be sure to the paint the same fingernail on the opposite hand with the glittery lacquer to keep things looking uniform.
  • Dip Baby Dip– Cotton candy, sweetie go let us see that Q-tip roll! If you have a little mishap you can always dip a sturdy Q-tip into nail polish remover and brush it along any mistakes. As you move along with this handy beauty tool will see any issues disappear like a magic eraser.

How to Apply Nail Polish Tutorial

Seeing is believing right? Of course, it is and for that reason we are including this nifty little video to help you along. Nail expert, Joi, quickly demonstrates how to apply nail polish correctly.

Remember nails are just another fab accessory to wield some style power into an outfit. A little practice goes a long way and can get you painting like a pro in no time. So have fun with it, be creative and relax there’s always remover.

**Want Even More Beauty as well as Nail Look News, Insights as well as Trends? Download Our New Shiny App! Click HERE**

Thoughts on How To Apply Nail Polish Correctly -Tips, Tricks Plus Video Tutorial? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things beauty as well as nails related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.


Confidence Building Activities – Daily Beauty Quote December 18, 2017

Confidence Building Activities
Photography by the Renonwn Joyanne Faith Panton

To be successful in anything you have to feel like you can, you are worth it and you can not be stopped. Basically, it boils down to one word… confidence. Therefore, we decided to develop this success driven feature on Confidence Building Activities. What helped spark this post? Well, did you catch our daily Melanin Magic tweet this morning? It was simple and sweet and read as:

“Makeup is art. Beauty is spirit.”


Instantly, our tweet gained numerous retweets as well as favorites. Therefore, we take it that many of you want more than “skin deep” results. True confidence is the product of what we find within.

Confidence Building Activities -How to Do it

So then, what are some ways that one can develop as well as maintain confidence? First of all, you have to look at it almost as physical training. For instance, when you want to gain more tone or muscle what do you do?

Most likely, you begin some sort of workout training regimen as well as make some tweaks to your diet choices. In time, the results start to show not just to yourself but to onlookers and people who know you well. The same is true when it comes to developing confidence.

You have to work at it regularly and consistently. Moreover, you may need to make a few tweaks to yourself or how you do things. Nevertheless, if you do and stick with it soon the results will be clearly manifest.

Confidence Building Activities – What to Do

Below you will find several confidence building activities that you can engage in to help to say goodbye to insecurity and hello to the new you! Remember, like training your body, attaining confidence can take a little time. However, do not give up, you were made to achieve great things! Furthermore, by incorporating a few of these activities into your daily schedule you will be well on your way.

Speak Positively of Yourself– Taking to yourself can at first seem like a really creepy thing to be doing, however, the outcome is higher self-esteem. Try looking into a mirror and saying something positive about yourself. Most people do not realize all the negative thoughts they entertain every day.

Those thoughts over time can wreak havoc because we start to believe it. Therefore, in order to undo and combat negativity saying something nice is essential. Focus on your accomplishments. Say to yourself, “I am really proud of how I finished that school or work project early.” Or perhaps, “I look really nice today!”

Simple positive acknowledgments can have awesome long term effects. Eventually, harmful thoughts will be replaced with good ones and your actions will soon follow.

5 Compliment Journal- This activity is very close to the positive speaking builder, the only difference is that you will write your feelings down. Purchase a journal that will allow you to write down daily 5 positive things about yourself. Can simply be words describing yourself such as: Happy, Kind, Hard-working, Energetic and Driven.

Or you may choose to be more descriptive. Either way is acceptable and will help you to root out insecurities. Never forget that positive thoughts result in positive outcomes. So then, take time to feel great about yourself daily and watch the magic happen!

Confidence Building Activities (Cont.)

Set Goals and Challenges– Think of success like a ladder, you can’t skip rungs to get to the top without running the risk of injury. Therefore, save yourself the trouble by putting in the steady work required. Start off by setting small goals for yourself that will help you to reach your bigger goals.

For example, if you desire to be in better shape. Start off by having the goal of working out for 20 minutes three to five times a week. Once that becomes routine you have accomplished your goal! Next, challenge yourself to try a new exercise or bump up your workouts to 25 or 30 minutes.

As you set, work towards and accomplish your goals you will be simultaneously building more confidence. It is a win win situation that will leave you in a better state mentally, emotionally as well as physically.

Workout and Exercise– Speaking of physically, ever heard the saying, “When you look good, you feel good?” Well, it is as true now as it was when the first man or woman uttered it.

Exercise not only releases endorphins so that you will feel happier, but it can help you look your best as well. Now we are not saying you have to be super skinny to have confidence. No, but being healthy for your body type can help you feel more powerful, influential and commanding.

You are the commander and captain of your life. Feeling your best can put you in a positive space that allows you to take control because your quality of self has improved. It may have started outside, however, you will be most affected inwardly.

Confidence Building Activities – You’re Not Perfect and Trust Us, It’s Okay

No one can go every day feeling like the world is all rainbows and sunshine. However, you can always choose to make lemonade out of lemons. Throughout life for us ladies there tends to be certain things that “bring us down.” Knowing and being able to spot them is the best way to stay in control of them.

Browse the chart below and see if you identify. Remember, you are not alone, all of us can use a boost in confidence from time to time. Just know that it can be gained regardless of your background, childhood, past or mistakes. You CAN be successful and you WILL be successful if you take steps daily and never give up!


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Thoughts on Confidence Building Activities – Daily Beauty Quote December 18, 2017? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.


How To Choose The Right Fitness Trainer, Regardless of Fitness Level

fitness trainer

Choosing the right personal fitness trainer is very important. To pick up the phone and call the first trainer that popped up in a Google search, could end up being both a waste of time and money. Therefore, personal training is a valuable service, but it is best to pick a fitness trainer that can achieve the goals that YOU are after.

How To Choose The Right Fitness Trainer

There is no such thing as a stupid question. We recently quizzed a top Los Angeles fitness trainer on what anyone regardless of their fitness level should look for in a trainer. Remember, it is your body and it deserves only the best. With that in mind, here are a few things to definitely keep in the forefront when making your decision.

1. What are their achievements?

The Answer: Pick a trainer whose achievements closely match your goals. If you want to run a race, a runner with marathon experience would fit. If you want to lose weight, a personal trainer who has lost weight his/herself would be a great match.

Of course this is not always the case. I have trained men for mass gain and have been plenty successful. If you find a trainer you want to work with, ask if they have experience in the area. Furthermore, any great trainer will get one of their previous or current clients to call or e-mail you, with a testimonial if you request one.

2. What is their availability?

The Answer: If you want to train full force at three or four times a week, make sure the trainer has the availability. A great personal trainer is really busy, and some can only fit in 1 or 2 sessions per client a week. If you want to work with them anyway, see if they will provide you with a custom program for working out one or two days a week on your own.

AJ Johnson Personal ftiness Trainer

Choose The Right Fitness Trainer (Cont.)

3. What are you looking for in a personal trainer?

The Answer: Do you just need someone there to make sure you are exercising hard enough? Do you want someone who will motivate you like a drill Sergeant? Do you need to work on technique? Or perhaps, do you have any injuries or conditions that need a more experienced and knowledgeable trainer?

As you can see, a little analysis is required. Definitely be sure to pick out a trainer that will provide what you want. Everybody has different expectations of what a good trainer is. Find the right match for what you need to get out of your workout sessions.

Personal training is a service that fast tracks results safely and surely. A great way to find a trainer is through friends and family who can recommend their trainer to you. Alternately, do your research, and hire the best trainer for your goals and needs.

The Right Fitness Trainer

A truly skilled personal fitness trainer can help you learn not only how to get into the best shape ever, but maintain it. This kind of knowledge is simply invaluable. Los Angeles fitness coach, Erin Williams demonstrated how important it is to listen to as well as learn from the best. Furthermore, Williams shared with us a nutrition tip that can really help you shed the pounds! Enjoy.

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Thoughts on How To Choose The Right Fitness Trainer, Regardless of Fitness Level? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things health as well as lifestyle related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.

fitness trainer


1966 Beauty Pick: Too Faced Glow Job Facial Mask with Real Gold!

Too Faced Glow Job

Get your glow on and your best looking skin ever! Too Faced Glow Job glitter facial mask is the real deal and we are here to breakdown exactly why and show you how to use it. You ready?

Too Faced Glow Job- Who’s Feeling It?

Too Faced Glow Job

Any company can make the claim that their beauty product is a must-have item. However, we like to be really sure before we spend our hard earned cash on just anything. Reviews are a girl’s best friend to adding a new item to her beauty bag and routine. What have we found online?

One of our ultimate favorite Youtube and Instagram superstars gave herself a glow job! Known to the world as Makeup Shayla, this beauty guru demonstrated just how easy it is to get radiant looking skin with Too Faced Glow Job. Her thoughts on the product? She says,

“Who likes a Glow Job? Too Faced cosmetics gives the best Glow Job Facials with their glitter face mask. Micro fine glitter in the mask is cosmetic grade and leaves the skin with a radiant finish. Apply a thin layer and let it dry for 30-40 minutes and then peel off.”

Too Faced Glow Job

Sounds pretty simple right? All you really need is enough time to let product the mask divulge it’s benefits to your skin. Would you like a demonstration of how to use this mask? We’ve got you covered! Check out Miss Shayla doing what she does best below. (Just click the pic to watch).

A post shared by SHAYLA (@makeupshayla) on

Too Faced Glow Job – The Awesome Benefits

When it comes to new products on the market many consumers ask, why? Why do I need this in my life? What is it really going to do for me? To help answer those questions when it comes to the Too Faced Glow Job glitter facial mask; we have complied a few of the numerous benefits.

Complexion Perfection– Oh I love dull looking skin, said no one ever! One feature of this mask is it’s fabulous exfoliating formula which can renew dull, tired looking skin. Therefore, look fresh and like you have been shelling out the big bucks at your local dermatologist.

So Peel Me– Easy clean up is so important in the world of beauty. While other masks such as clay versions can be a little bit of a pain to remove at times. This mask has a nifty peel off feature. Once the mask dries and you have given it enough time to work its magic all you have to do is peel and pitch. Say goodbye to the days of washcloth and water splash removal!

Too Faced Glow Job

It’s Gluten Free– This is an amazing feature especially if you currently have an intolerance or deal with Celiac’s Disease. Even though throughout the years skincare experts have come to the conclusion that gluten can not be absorbed directly through the skin this does not mean it can’t have an effect on someone with an allergy.

Any gluten containing product that even touches a person’s lips or mouth could be ingested thus causing an unpleasant reaction in some users that are allergic to grains such as wheat. Therefore, it is nice that the Too Faced brand has thought ahead and addressed this issue. Making their product something consumers can use without worry.

Too Faced Glow Job – The Awesome Benefits (Cont.)

Too Faced Glow Job

They Care About Our Cute Furry Friends- If you have ever Netflix and chilled a few documentaries on animal cruelty it probably made you rethink how products are made. The Too Faced Glow Job facial mask is a cruelty free product. So we and our adorable wild friends can both breathe a sigh of relief.

Glow Up- This major plus is found right in this product’s name. Luminous, glowing skin can be yours all without the need of highlighter (unless, you just really want to wink, wink).

Who’s On BaseMakeup looks the best when skin is as smooth as butter. Thanks to the exfoliating ingredients in this mask you can achieve the perfect base and foundation for makeup application. So then, build your beauty look right and begin with a skincare product that readies and preps skin with a clear, soft finish.

The Runner Ups – Top 3 Facial Masks to Also Consider

Too Faced Glow Job

If you love this product there are a few others we recommend as well. All of these items are not only highly recommended by beauty pros, but score super high with other consumers just like you!

1. Majestic Pure 24K Gold Mask– Keep signs of aging as well as acne at bay with the help of this mask’s golden formula. Out of over 300 reviews, users give this product a four out of five star rating. The cost of this facial mask is $18.50.

2. L’Oreal Paris Pure Clay Mask– Brighten up your complexion and detox your skin by the removal of impurities. With beauty and skincare consumers this product is basically a bonafide cult favorite. This mask has been reviewed by over 1500 people! It’s rating? A solid four and a half stars, with five being the highest it could achieve. The cost of this product is right under $10 ($9.77).

3. Aria Starr Dead Sea Mud Mask– Last, but certainly not least; this facial mask is especially great for combating skin issues dealing with oily skin, acne and the horrible beauty foe known as blackheads. Okay, so let’s quickly talk consumer rating. The Aria Starr Dead Sea Mud Mask which comes along with the price tag of $14.95, has been reviewed over a staggering  2700 times! Therefore, how does it rate? Users give this facial mask a four and a half out of five rating. Amazing!

Want This Product? Buy It By Clicking This Link.

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Thoughts on 966 Beauty Pick: Too Faced Glow Job Facial Mask with Real Gold? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.

Too Faced Glow Job


Just Announced! Ultra Violet-Pantone Color of the Year 2018!

Ultra Violet-Pantone Color of the Year 2018

May the purple be with you! Every year the fashion and beauty industries wait with keen anticipation to found out which tone and hue will set the mood plus launch a plethora of product trends. Since 1963, Pantone has been the worldwide standard for color communication as well as inspiration. Therefore, what shade will reign during 2018? Just Announced, Ultra Violet-Pantone Color of the Year 2018!

Just Announced! Ultra Violet-Pantone Color of the Year 2018

Ultra Violet-Pantone Color of the Year 2018

Purple rain, purple rain! Color has the distinct ability to not only invoke emotion, but be used as a vehicle for self-expression. Therefore, what does Ultra Violet convey? Pantone answers,

“Lighting the way for the year ahead, Pantone announces Pantone 18-3838 Ultra Violet as the Color of the Year 2018! A dramatically provocative and thoughtful purple shade. Ultra Violet communicates originality, ingenuity and visionary thinking that points us to the future.”

Very nice sentiments. Nevertheless, brands are already lining up to showcase their Ultra Violet infused products. Two companies to definitely keep in mind are Butter London and of course, Fenty Beauty. Regarding the COY (color of the year), Fenty Beauty states, “Pantone 2018 color of the year is Ultra Violet! Rihanna is always leading the charge. [Check out our] MatchStix in Unicorn.”

Ultra Violet-Pantone Color of the Year 2018

Rihanna’s purple makeup in a stick which retails for $25 has been out on the market for weeks now and selling by the minute. Proving that Rih is in touch with not only her fans but looking to the future to set the standard of what’s “hot.”

Ultra Violet-Pantone Color of the Year 2018
MatchStix in Unicorn

Nevertheless, what about Butter London? What do they have going on? The beauty brand reveals,

“It’s here! Ultra Violet, the Pantone Color of the Year 2018. We teamed up with Pantone on the official Ultra Violet beauty line. The Ultra Violet collection is available now at butterlondon.com and will launch at Ulta and Ulta.com later this month. (Glazen Eye Gloss will be available in January.”

The collection has a little bit of everything. A gorgeous Lippy, nail lacquer, eyeliner and a ridiculously beautiful eye glaze. 2018 is looking pretty good already!

Ultra Violet-Pantone Color of the Year 2018

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Thoughts on Just Announced! Ultra Violet-Pantone Color of the Year 2018? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.


Beauty Insider: Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection

Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection

Great makeup, great pictures and great confidence always starts with clear, glowing skin! When you look amazing, you will feel amazing. Then why not give your skincare routine a major shake up that will have you looking like a bonafide supermodel? Our pick? The NEW Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection!

Beauty Insider: Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection

Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection

What’s the big deal about this collection and why should you cop it right now? Excellent questions, with an even simpler answer. This is a line of products that has been developed to handle the biggest obstacles to flawless skin.

You’ll completely change the look as well as feel of your skin with the help of five products. What are they? The collection consists of:

  • Face Mask ($12.99)
  • Face Lotion ($7.99)
  • Stretch Mark Cream ($7.50)
  • 2-in-1 Face Scrub and Cleanser (7.99)
  • Face Serum ($9.99)

Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection

As one can see, this is a very complete skincare system. Nevertheless, why create a line specifically utilizing honey and pomegranate? When it comes to the use of honey many know the numerous benefits it can produce in the skin such as the reduction of acne and inflammation. However, why the use of pomegranate? Beauty by Mielle shed light on the inclusion of this particular ingredient. Mielle states,

“Did you know that pomegranates possess anti-aging properties, which means they rejuvenate your skin both internally and externally. The oil from pomegranate seeds helps strengthen the epidermis thus reducing or delaying wrinkles.”

Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection

Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection

The Mielle brand is well known for their exceptional hair products thus only heightening the excitement in regards to their new beauty line. In regards to the Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection the company reveals,

“Did you know we have a brand NEW skincare line? Build your skincare and beauty arsenal with Beauty by Mielle, you won’t be sorry! Our collection of carefully formulated skin care products is the answer to your skincare woes.

Our Mielle Pomegranite and Honey Collection is formulated to help exfoliate, tighten and purify skin while gently cleansing, hydrating and refining. This collection focuses in on common skin concerns ranging from dryness, dullness, stretch marks and more while using the natural power of lush ingredients like Pomegranite and Honey!

Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection

Healthy skincare doesn’t have to break the bank. Our Mielle Pomegranite and Honey Collection is a lavish spa experience with a price point you’ll love! Our Mielle Pomegranite and Honey Collection is the key to beauty without boundaries.

Your skin is your largest organ, and it takes a beating every day. So treat yourself with Beauty by Mielle to rejuvenate and revitalize. Experience it for yourself today.”

Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection

Want to get you hands on this line? Check for it at Sally Beauty as well as www.mielleorganics.com. The whole collection will cost you right around $50. A great buy for so much value.

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Thoughts on Beauty Insider: Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.

Mielle Pomegranate and Honey Collection


Jenifer Lewis High Kicks-Learn From Mom, Add This to Your Workout!

High Kicks

Actress and favorite film as well as TV mom Jenifer Lewis broke the Internet with the release of her new book, The Mother of Black Hollywood. The Jenifer Lewis High Kicks in celebration of her memoir shot around the online realm in mere hours. Her energetic display had us girls putting down slices of pizza and starting to rethink our fitness routines.

Yet, for good reason. Did you know that learning and mastering the high kick has NUMEROUS benefits? If you are looking to shape up, burn calories and infuse your workout with a new move. We suggest taking a page out of mother Lewis’ kick book and get those legs up!

High Kicks

Jenifer Lewis High Kicks-Learn From Mom, Add This to Your Workout

Let’s just cut right to the chase, shall we? High kicks are great when utilized as a warm up exercise or as a killer cardio move. Some of the benefits you can gain from this one explosive exercise are:

  • Tone the abs
  • Healthy stress reliever
  • Sculpt the legs
  • Burn calories and melt fat
  • Enhanced coordination
  • Improve the flexibility of the hamstrings
  • Fast movement (kicks) gets the heart pumping which in turn helps to burn more calories
  • Increases lower body as well as core strength
  • Can improve performance in martial arts, cheerleading and gymnastics

High Kicks

An exercise that hits two common problem areas? Uhm, count us in! High kicks can be performed starting from a lunge or squat position. Or by simply balancing on one leg while kicking the other leg up and as high as you comfortably can.

Start by doing three sets of 15-20 reps. Work up to being able to kick for an extended amount of time or even a set amount. Some pros even do a 1,000 kick challenge! Not necessary to see real results, but nothing like a good challenge in order to reach your fitness goals.

High Kicks High Kicks

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Thoughts on Jenifer Lewis High Kicks-Learn From Mom, Add This to Your Workout? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.


Beautiful Skin All Year: The Garnier Rose Water Soothing Skincare Line

Garnier Rose Water

It’s time to give your skincare routine a major boost! Get the job done fast with the help of the Garnier Rose Water Soothing Skincare Collection. Why is it so effective? We’ve got all the details below!

Beautiful Skin All Year: The Garnier Rose Water Soothing Skincare Line

So you may be wondering what is the big deal about Rose Water? This particular element is being used widely in numerous beauty and skincare products. Brands love it because it is great on all skin types and comes with tons of benefits. Benefits such as the ability to reduce redness, anti-inflammatory properties, rid skin of acne as well as removing dirt and oil in clogged pores.

Garnier Rose Water

Pretty helpful right? Garnier filled us in on their Rose Water infused line that incorporates items for an array of skincare needs. The brand reveals,

“Your skincare routine is about to bloom. Meet our NEW 96% naturally derived skincare with Rose Water. This powerful ingredient actively soothes sensitive skin and provides nourishing hydration. This trio includes:

  1. Soothing Cleansing Milk
  2. Soothing Facial Mist
  3. Also, Soothing Moisturizer 3-in-1.”

Out of the three products the 3-in-1 moisturizer appeals to us on several levels. For one, you get a lot use out of it for one low price. Garnier explained the versatility of their latest moisturizer stating,

“The best part of our new 96 percent naturally derived moisturizer made with Rose Water? You can use it as day moisturizer, night time moisturizer AND as an overnight mask!”

Want to try the Garnier Rose Water Soothing 3-in-1 moisturizer? We spotted it online as well as in store at Target. It retails for a cool $9.99.

Garnier Rose Water

**Want Even More Beauty as well as Skincare News, Insights as well as Trends? Download Our New Shiny App! Click HERE**

Thoughts on Beautiful Skin All Year: The Garnier Rose Water Soothing Skincare Line? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.


Your Most Gorgeous Skin Ever! Guerlain Abeille Royale Watery Oil

Guerlain Abeille Royale Watery Oil

“The winds are changing and [winter] days are around the corner. Prepare and repair your skin for the change of season!” That’s excellent advice coming directly from luxury cosmetics and skincare brand, Guerlain. What do they suggest? The Guerlain Abeille Royale Watery Oil that incorporates a secret weapon that is sure to give you your most gorgeous skin ever!

Most Gorgeous Skin Ever! Guerlain Abeille Royale Watery Oil

So let’s just get right down to it. What’s exactly in this baby that’s being heralded the “fountain of youth?” Well, Guerlain recently let out ALL the details regarding their oil product which retails between $90-$129. Guerlain explains,

“Harvested on the majestic island of Ouessant; the honey from the endemic Black Bee is truly unique and pure. This rich raw ingredient will once again show it’s true power in our new skincare sensation.

[Harnessing] the power from within [the] bee, our newest formula is powerful, rich and fresh. An age defying technology that will revolutionize your skincare routine.

Guerlain Abeille Royale Watery Oil

Introducing the solution to instantly plump and radiant skin: Abeille Royale Watery Oil. The youth boosting serum that combines the power of a serum, the richness of an oil and the freshness of a lotion.

[Therefore] looking for plump and radiant skin in an instant? Our innovative, unprecedented watery oil texture absorbs in seconds. [As a result] it is perfect to complete your morning routine on the go!

Youth Watery Oil improves the skins radiance. It instantly leaves it plump and illuminated with lasting results over repeat application. Get the most out of our new Abeille Royale Watery OIL with these two simple application techniques:

  1. Lift
  2. Plump
  3. Get out and radiate with your youthful, baby soft complexion!”

Guerlain Abeille Royale Watery Oil

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Winter Skincare Products: Bobbi Brown Extra Repair Nourishing Milk

Bobbi Brown Extra Repair Nourishing Milk

When it comes to the winter season most ladies experience the wrath of an annual beauty foe… dry skin! This is a common occurrence unfortunately, because during this particular season the air is more arid than the summer months leaving skin as thirsty as some DMs. Nevertheless, Bobbi Brown cosmetics have developed the perfect solution. Say goodbye to parched winter skin with Bobbi Brown Extra Repair Nourishing Milk!

Winter Skincare Products: Bobbi Brown Extra Repair Nourishing Milk

Bobbi Brown was kind of enough to freely tell all about their amazing skincare product. The brand reveals,

“A favorite to get through fall [and winter] with flake free skin. Our Extra Repair Nourishing Milk gives you the moisture of a face oil and the skin-renewing benefits of a treatment in a lightweight milky formula. This product works well [even on] oily skin, especially as the seasons change. Try using Extra Repair Nourishing Milk right after cleansing so your skin can soak up all of the benefits.

Bobbi Brown Extra Repair Nourishing Milk

Call it the new fountain of youth. Our Milk gives skin a boost of moisture for instant radiance. Plus, it works over time to rejuvenate and refresh skin for a healthier looking complexion. A moisturizer, face oil and treatment all-in-one. The ultimate product to prepare your skin for cooler weather.

Apply Bobbi Brown Extra Repair Nourishing Milk before bed and wake up with radiant skin. Zero effort required.”

Want a bottle of Bobbi Brown Extra Repair Nourishing Milk? You can get yours by going to www.bobbibrown.com. It retails for $86. INSIDER TIP: We spied Poshmark selling this product for $50! Hurry, hurry and enjoy the $36 in savings!

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Bobbi Brown Extra Repair Nourishing Milk