Should I take a multivitamin? That is the question that is plaguing many health-conscious ladies around the world. Furthermore, things get even more confusing when experts with varying views and opinions also weigh in on this topic.
For instance, some health experts say that eating only good, clean, nutritious food is all a person needs. Yet, others still believe strongly that consuming a multivitamin has its place in a proper diet. Therefore, who is right and who is wrong? Also, should taking a multivitamin be a decision that is made more due to a person’s lifestyle or schedule?
Black Girl Fitness- Should I Take a Multivitamin or is it Unnecessary?
The truth is multivitamins cannot replace good nutritious food, however, they can help. Mr. David Levinsky is a professor at Cornell University. In regards to taking multivitamins daily he says, “I take a multivitamin every day as a little insurance policy. For certain groups of healthy people, especially those whose diet has nutritional gaps, a multivitamin can help fill in those gaps.”
Moreover, health and nutrition expert Madelyn Fernstrom offers up another good reason as to why taking multivitamins could be a benefit. Fernstrom is a professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. In reference to multivitamins Madelyn says, “In a perfect world we would all eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. We would all exercise regularly, but that’s not a reality. People can be strapped for time or money and don’t meet their daily nutrient needs. Also, you have to remember that many studies look at large population groups, not individuals.”
Should I Take a Multivitamin or is it Unnecessary?
So then, if a person does decide to take a multivitamin doing so will have its benefits. No, it will never take the place of a good meal. However it will have the ability to help supplement an already healthy diet so that a person can meet the recommended requirements for certain minerals as well as vitamins.
Nevertheless, that brings us to a brand-new issue. What type of supplement or multivitamin should a person take? Also, are all multivitamins created equal?
The scary answer to that last question is that, no, not all multivitamins are created equal. That is because some companies are allowed to sell multivitamins that are not even hundred percent completely derived from actual food. A real concern for anyone who is just trying to live a healthier lifestyle.
Take a Multivitamin or is it Unnecessary? (Cont.)
However, there is a practical solution to this health issue. Enter… Silver Fern Brand Whole Food Multivitamin. What makes this brand of multivitamin so different? Silver Fern answers, “Here at Silver Fern we believe you should get the most of your vitamins and minerals through the food you eat! But sometimes it’s hard to consume 8 cups of broccoli 11 cups of kale and 33 cups of spinach in the day we made it easy with our whole food multivitamin just two little capsules a day get the job done!”
But wait there’s even more benefits to taking Whole Foods multivitamins. Silver Fern continues, “A lot of you are wondering about multivitamins and why ours are different. So here it is: vitamins can be synthetic or natural. Many of the multivitamins on the market are synthetic parentheses meaning made in a lab parentheses rather than from actual real food! Companies can label it as natural as long as it contains 10% derived from plants. Silver Fern vitamins are hundred percent natural. Every bit coming from real fruits and vegetables! They are blended up and then we remove the cellulose (plant fiber) sugar, and protein… leaving dense nutrients that are then freeze-dried. We care what you put in your body and it was a frustration with what was on the market that drove us to create this unbeatable product!”
Take a Multivitamin – BONUS!
Sound like the perfect multivitamin for you? Get at Whole Foods grocery stores for $. Nevertheless, Whole Foods also wants to help you get started on developing an even better healthy diet for yourself. In collaboration with The Butter Half, this easy Gree Smoothie recipe was created to energize and fulfill your nutritional needs! Check it out below.
It’s time to start your day! Break your fast, with this delicious nutritious green smoothie, featuring our whole food multivitamin!
Ingredients Needed:
•2 cups almond milk
•2 Silver Fern Whole Foods multivitamin capsules
•2/3 cups Silver Fern Kaha protein powder
•2 tablespoons chia seeds
•1 tablespoon spirulina powder
•1 banana
1. Add milk, vitamins, protein powder, chia seeds, spirulina powder, banana, and ice to a blender. Blend on high for one minute until smooth.
2. Pour into glasses and serve immediately. Also, fantastic for sneaking some greens and vitamins into diets for kids.
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