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Primer Makeup- Can I Skip This Step to Save Some Time?

Primer Makeup- Can I Skip This Step to Save Some Time
                                                    Cosmetics Photography by Island Boi Photogtaphy

When it comes to getting ready for school or work, sometimes time can be of the essence. We have one leg in our boot cut jeans, one arm hanging out of our crop top sweater and one free hand desperately applying layers of mascara. So then, as any busy girl can attest to, doing only what is truly necessary can really be the key to staying on top of a busy schedule. Therefore, when it comes to applying makeup, is primer makeup one of those things that can be skipped in order to save a few precious seconds? Girl, no! Allow us to answer this beauty question, by presenting some pretty compelling reasons why this vital step should never be ignored!

Primer Makeup- Can I Skip This Step to Save Some Time?

Primer Makeup- Can I Skip This Step to Save Some Time

Let’s just be clear about one thing, primer is utilized for more than just the reason you think it is formulated to be used for when applied. For instance, most know that primer makeup is an excellent product to help create a very smooth canvas for your make up. Think of it like building a house. You don’t just build a house on un-level ground and hope that it will last and hold up. No, you level everything out so that it’s nice and smooth and then you build upon that. Confident that not only the house can now be built correctly, but it will also last for a very long time.

That is thrust as well as one of the benefits of using a primer. You are giving your make up a smooth base to be built upon. Plus, you’re also giving your make up what it needs to last longer as well as stay put.

Primer Makeup- The Common But Majorly Overlooked Benefit

Primer Makeup- Can I Skip This Step to Save Some Time

Nevertheless, what is one of the other benefits of using primer make up that often gets overlooked? Here it is: it is great for your personal skincare routine. How so?

Primer has the ability to not only moisturize skin, but it can also create a protective barrier over the skin. The hydration part can be pretty self-explanatory due to the moisturizing ingredients found in most primers; however, you may be wondering just exactly how primer can provide protection?

Well, it accomplishes this by sealing in any skincare treatment products you may use during your daily skincare routine. This includes any moisturizer or sunscreen you may have previously applied, and yes us melanin girls need sunscreen too. However, more on that in our upcoming feature on the super cool product, Black Girl Sunscreen.

Primer Makeup- It Is Time to Choose, But How?

Primer Makeup- Can I Skip This Step to Save Some Time

Nonetheless, now that you know why primer make up is awesome for not only cosmetics but for skincare products, you need to know which ones will work best for you. The best way to pick the right one is to choose a primer that works for your own skin type. You may need to ask yourself: Is my skin dry? Does my skin tend to be oily? Or perhaps, can my skin use a little help in order to have a more even tone?

After a little self reflection about your skin, you are now ready to pick a primer makeup product. Here are a few quick tips to keep in mind:

The Oily Skin Girl: Always look for a mattifying primer. These types of primers are your friend because it helps to keep any extra shine at bay. You may also choose to use a setting spray for even more shine control.

The Un-even Girl: Try using a color correcting primer to help even out your skintone. For instance, if you notice your skin includes redness from irritation look for a color correcting primer with green undertones. These types of primers can help to counteract any red in the skin.

The Dull Skin Girl: The best primer for you is an illuminating primer. This type of primer will help you to get your glow on thanks to reflective particles. No longer will your skin look dull and lifeless, but it will glisten with a slight sheen.

Primer Makeup- Don’t Waste It, How to Apply It The Right Way

Primer Makeup- Can I Skip This Step to Save Some Time

Okay so we have learned why it’s important to use primer makeup as well as how to pick the right one. Nevertheless, now it will be a good idea to learn how to apply it correctly in order to gain the most benefits.

Start off by applying primer to a sponge or your fingers. Next, dab the primer onto your nose, chin, forehead as well as cheeks. Begin at the center of your face working out to the edges. Also, be sure to blend the primer make up into your skin by going in a downward direction.

Why apply make up going down? This is so those little hairs on your face will lay down nice and pretty. This very technique can also be used when applying foundation.

So there you have it primer is great for makeup as well as skincare. There are many ways to skip or cheat when doing your makeup but this is not one of them. Plus, when used correctly a primer makeup product can help you achieve the makeup finish of your dreams!

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Thoughts on Primer Makeup- Can I Skip This Step to Save Some Time? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things beauty as well as skincare tips related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.


1966 Beauty Pick: Too Faced Glow Job Facial Mask with Real Gold!

Too Faced Glow Job

Get your glow on and your best looking skin ever! Too Faced Glow Job glitter facial mask is the real deal and we are here to breakdown exactly why and show you how to use it. You ready?

Too Faced Glow Job- Who’s Feeling It?

Too Faced Glow Job

Any company can make the claim that their beauty product is a must-have item. However, we like to be really sure before we spend our hard earned cash on just anything. Reviews are a girl’s best friend to adding a new item to her beauty bag and routine. What have we found online?

One of our ultimate favorite Youtube and Instagram superstars gave herself a glow job! Known to the world as Makeup Shayla, this beauty guru demonstrated just how easy it is to get radiant looking skin with Too Faced Glow Job. Her thoughts on the product? She says,

“Who likes a Glow Job? Too Faced cosmetics gives the best Glow Job Facials with their glitter face mask. Micro fine glitter in the mask is cosmetic grade and leaves the skin with a radiant finish. Apply a thin layer and let it dry for 30-40 minutes and then peel off.”

Too Faced Glow Job

Sounds pretty simple right? All you really need is enough time to let product the mask divulge it’s benefits to your skin. Would you like a demonstration of how to use this mask? We’ve got you covered! Check out Miss Shayla doing what she does best below. (Just click the pic to watch).

A post shared by SHAYLA (@makeupshayla) on

Too Faced Glow Job – The Awesome Benefits

When it comes to new products on the market many consumers ask, why? Why do I need this in my life? What is it really going to do for me? To help answer those questions when it comes to the Too Faced Glow Job glitter facial mask; we have complied a few of the numerous benefits.

Complexion Perfection– Oh I love dull looking skin, said no one ever! One feature of this mask is it’s fabulous exfoliating formula which can renew dull, tired looking skin. Therefore, look fresh and like you have been shelling out the big bucks at your local dermatologist.

So Peel Me– Easy clean up is so important in the world of beauty. While other masks such as clay versions can be a little bit of a pain to remove at times. This mask has a nifty peel off feature. Once the mask dries and you have given it enough time to work its magic all you have to do is peel and pitch. Say goodbye to the days of washcloth and water splash removal!

Too Faced Glow Job

It’s Gluten Free– This is an amazing feature especially if you currently have an intolerance or deal with Celiac’s Disease. Even though throughout the years skincare experts have come to the conclusion that gluten can not be absorbed directly through the skin this does not mean it can’t have an effect on someone with an allergy.

Any gluten containing product that even touches a person’s lips or mouth could be ingested thus causing an unpleasant reaction in some users that are allergic to grains such as wheat. Therefore, it is nice that the Too Faced brand has thought ahead and addressed this issue. Making their product something consumers can use without worry.

Too Faced Glow Job – The Awesome Benefits (Cont.)

Too Faced Glow Job

They Care About Our Cute Furry Friends- If you have ever Netflix and chilled a few documentaries on animal cruelty it probably made you rethink how products are made. The Too Faced Glow Job facial mask is a cruelty free product. So we and our adorable wild friends can both breathe a sigh of relief.

Glow Up- This major plus is found right in this product’s name. Luminous, glowing skin can be yours all without the need of highlighter (unless, you just really want to wink, wink).

Who’s On BaseMakeup looks the best when skin is as smooth as butter. Thanks to the exfoliating ingredients in this mask you can achieve the perfect base and foundation for makeup application. So then, build your beauty look right and begin with a skincare product that readies and preps skin with a clear, soft finish.

The Runner Ups – Top 3 Facial Masks to Also Consider

Too Faced Glow Job

If you love this product there are a few others we recommend as well. All of these items are not only highly recommended by beauty pros, but score super high with other consumers just like you!

1. Majestic Pure 24K Gold Mask– Keep signs of aging as well as acne at bay with the help of this mask’s golden formula. Out of over 300 reviews, users give this product a four out of five star rating. The cost of this facial mask is $18.50.

2. L’Oreal Paris Pure Clay Mask– Brighten up your complexion and detox your skin by the removal of impurities. With beauty and skincare consumers this product is basically a bonafide cult favorite. This mask has been reviewed by over 1500 people! It’s rating? A solid four and a half stars, with five being the highest it could achieve. The cost of this product is right under $10 ($9.77).

3. Aria Starr Dead Sea Mud Mask– Last, but certainly not least; this facial mask is especially great for combating skin issues dealing with oily skin, acne and the horrible beauty foe known as blackheads. Okay, so let’s quickly talk consumer rating. The Aria Starr Dead Sea Mud Mask which comes along with the price tag of $14.95, has been reviewed over a staggering  2700 times! Therefore, how does it rate? Users give this facial mask a four and a half out of five rating. Amazing!

Want This Product? Buy It By Clicking This Link.

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Thoughts on 966 Beauty Pick: Too Faced Glow Job Facial Mask with Real Gold? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.

Too Faced Glow Job


Beautiful Skin All Year: The Garnier Rose Water Soothing Skincare Line

Garnier Rose Water

It’s time to give your skincare routine a major boost! Get the job done fast with the help of the Garnier Rose Water Soothing Skincare Collection. Why is it so effective? We’ve got all the details below!

Beautiful Skin All Year: The Garnier Rose Water Soothing Skincare Line

So you may be wondering what is the big deal about Rose Water? This particular element is being used widely in numerous beauty and skincare products. Brands love it because it is great on all skin types and comes with tons of benefits. Benefits such as the ability to reduce redness, anti-inflammatory properties, rid skin of acne as well as removing dirt and oil in clogged pores.

Garnier Rose Water

Pretty helpful right? Garnier filled us in on their Rose Water infused line that incorporates items for an array of skincare needs. The brand reveals,

“Your skincare routine is about to bloom. Meet our NEW 96% naturally derived skincare with Rose Water. This powerful ingredient actively soothes sensitive skin and provides nourishing hydration. This trio includes:

  1. Soothing Cleansing Milk
  2. Soothing Facial Mist
  3. Also, Soothing Moisturizer 3-in-1.”

Out of the three products the 3-in-1 moisturizer appeals to us on several levels. For one, you get a lot use out of it for one low price. Garnier explained the versatility of their latest moisturizer stating,

“The best part of our new 96 percent naturally derived moisturizer made with Rose Water? You can use it as day moisturizer, night time moisturizer AND as an overnight mask!”

Want to try the Garnier Rose Water Soothing 3-in-1 moisturizer? We spotted it online as well as in store at Target. It retails for a cool $9.99.

Garnier Rose Water

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Thoughts on Beautiful Skin All Year: The Garnier Rose Water Soothing Skincare Line? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.


Natural Beauty: Drink Coconut Water for Beautiful Skin

natural beauty

Beauty Quickie: Want in on a natural beauty secret that will help give you gorgeous skin? Yeah, we thought you might! All you have to do is drink up.

Natural Beauty: Drink Coconut Water for Beautiful Skin

Healthy skin is always the result of proper hydration. Nevertheless, most girls simply do not take in enough fluids. Therefore, break the cycle and give your skin the moisture it needs by consuming a nice size glass of unsweetened coconut water every single morning.

Coconut water is such a great tool in our natural beauty arsenal because of its numerous benefits. For one, it is chalk full of nutrients such as: potassium, Vitamin C, magnesium as well calcium. Moreover, coconut water also has anti-aging properties. Coconut water contains an anti-microbial known as lauric acid. This acid is capable of protecting skin against infection and helping to bring inflammation under control.

natural beauty

Lastly, coconut water is super low calorie option. One cup will only cost you about 44 calories. Plus, by drinking it you will not only help your skin, but will make your hair stronger too! More on that in an upcoming Hair Quickie.

Nevertheless, there are other things you can consume other than coconut water to hydrate your skin. At mealtime enjoy some olives, salmon, avocado and of course, coconut. These are all skin hydrating foods that will help make your skin healthier and more luminous.

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Thoughts on Natural Beauty: Drink Coconut Water for Beautiful Skin? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things beauty as well as skincare related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.


Get Healthy Skin By Eliminating These Foods

Beauty Quickie: Want skin that looks as luminous as the models in skincare ads? Desiring to achieve gorgeous skin sans cosmetics so that one day you can say, “I woke up like this?” Well, then ladies you need to pull out the axe and rid yourself of the enemy! Here’s the honest truth on how to get healthy skin by eliminating certain foods.

Get Healthy Skin By Eliminating These Foods

Oh gawd, not the lattes! We need those to live! Sorry dolls caffeine is on the list of things you must remove from your diet in order to change the condition of your skin. If you have recently noticed that your skin isn’t as supple, vibrant or smooth as you would like then a change in foods consumed could do you good.

Nevertheless, keep in mind that this is not some overnight quick fix. You have to give the body a moment to showcase the benefits. Therefore, when committing to a change in diet for healthy skin give it at least a month to work. Trust, you will love the results!

Besides a cup of Joe, what other foods should be avoided like the plague? Cut out peanuts, dairy, soy, seaweed and sugary products. Replace these with dark leafy greens, green tea (rich in antioxidants) and salmon. If life seems bleak without milk aim for almond milk instead of cow milk. Moreover, drink PLENTY of water. Say bye bye to sodas and always reach for a glass of H2O. Be consistent and dedicated to these changes and very soon you will experience clearer, beautiful skin.

Thoughts on Get Healthy Skin By Eliminating These Foods? Join the discussion by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.


Tia Becca Reveals Her Glowing Skin Secrets!

Tia Becca Reveals Her Glowing Skin Secrets!

As they say, the camera never lies. Good or bad the lense is going to capture every single detail. Therefore, when you have cameras following you around 24/7 it’s imperative to always stay camera ready. Love and Hip Hop Atlanta star Tiara aka Tia Becca does not have this issue at all! Tia Becca has some of the most beautiful luminous skin seen within the industry. The camera absolutely loves her. How does she stay glowing and looking so fly?

Tia Becca Reveals Her Glowing Skin Secrets!2

Like many other celebrities, Tia Becca sticks to a skincare regimen. Consistency, avoiding damage and good products will help a gal look glamorous enough for her close up. Tia Becca is always very open to her fans and recently took time to show how she achieves her glow up on the daily. Her skincare must-haves came down to three basic elements:

  1. Moisturizer
  2. Water
  3. Deep Cleansing

Tia Becca Reveals Her Glowing Skin Secrets!3

With the help of her Snapchat and other social media platforms Tia Becca shared a photograph displaying her very own beauty cocktail. The picture included La Mer products, Dasani water as well as a mask made by Peter Thomas. You may notice that Tia Becca had only included one water bottle in the pic. One bottle a day get her gorgeous, glowing skin? Maybe in a beauty/skincare fairy tale that might be the case. After one of her fans asked about her water intake, Tia revealed that she aims to drink nine of those water bottles a day.

Alright ladies so what did we learn today? Glowing skin is not just for the stunning stars we see regularly on TV. Getting your glow on is as simple as using a good moisturizer, drinking plenty of water and deep cleaning skin regularly.

Thoughts on how Tia Becca gets glowing for the cameras? Talk all things beauty with us by dropping a comment down low or hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.

Tia Becca Reveals Her Glowing Skin Secrets!4


Expired Beauty Products- Sunscreen

Expired Beauty Products- Sunscreen

Beauty Quickie: Can we please put the myth to rest that black women do not need to wear sunscreen? It does not matter how dark your skin is or how much melanin you possess the sun can still cause havoc to your skin if is not protected. Black may not crack but due to environmental effects such as global warming and the disappearance of the ozone layer it is a very good idea to give your skin a little protective barrier to stay un-cracked.

Does sunscreen ever expire and if so when should it be replaced? Yes, sunscreen does indeed expire and the problem is most gals hang on to their bottle longer than they should. Most sunscreens have a shelf life of about three years then after that it should find a new home in a dumpster.

What happens when sunscreen expires? The ingredients found within the formula begin to separate thus becoming less and less effective. Therefore, if you are wearing expired beauty products such as sunscreen you are not really receiving the protection that you need.

Expired Beauty Products- Sunscreen3


Beware of Water Temperatures For Beautiful Skin

Beware of Water Temperatures For Beautiful Skin

Beauty Quickie: That dry skin you are experiencing can literally boil down to one thing… water. Not so much as the bonded hydrogen and oxygen itself, but the temperature of the liquid-y goodness. Many know the long hailed beauty tip to never wash or shower in hot water but do not really know why that is the case. What happens to the skin when exposed to hot water?

Hot water wrecks havoc by stripping your skin of natural oils thus leaving it parched and dry. This is true whether rinsing hands, showering or even simply splashing your face. Moreover, going a step further during the winter season the air is particularly dry so then by tacking on the habit of hot water use you are in for a season of really dry skin. That is so not cute by any means, shape or form. So then, how can you prevent this from happening? Instead of using hot water opt to rinse with warm or cooler temp water instead.

Beware of Water Temperatures For Beautiful Skin2


Beauty Question: Is Steaming Good or Bad For Skin?

Beauty Question: Is Steaming Good or Bad For Skin

Beauty Answer: We totally understand, most likely you are someone who would like to rid your skin of acne without causing any scarring. The number one mistake that most make with pimples is to disturb them by pinching or squeezing. This method of removing acne is not very effective and in many cases can cause more harm than good.

For this reason women have turned to other options such as steaming in order to safely remove their blemishes. Steaming is actually a beauty method used by cosmetologist in order to remove acne like pimples or blackheads. How is steaming helpful in removing these forms of acne? The steam encourages surrounding skin to become more soft and supple. This thus causes any bacteria, hardened oils or dirt to be easily removed from your skin.

Beauty Question: Is Steaming Good or Bad For Skin2

Steaming is a process that is highly recommended to be handled by a trained professional. Moreover, in some cases cosmetologists couple steaming with the needle method. A cosmetologist will use a sterilized needle to gently apply pressure to whiteheads. This gentle pricking will cause pus to ease on out. Therefore, steaming and whitehead removal via needle are best handled by trained individuals and are deemed the safest options for ridding skin of acne.

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