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Workout Buddy – 3 Questions That Will Prove You’ve Found the Right One

Workout Buddy

Every new year millions around the world resolve to get into the best shape of their lives. Social media profiles get changed, memes are posted and gyms become more packed than a can of sardines. However, then life sets in, goals slowly fall to wayside and the masses at the gym once again trickle down to just the regulars. It’s not that good intentions were not involved, it’s just that sometimes we all could use a little extra push in the right direction in order to keep going. With that being said, have you ever personally thought about looking for a workout buddy? Having the right one by your side can help you reach your fitness goals and at times even faster than you thought!

Yet, you will want to be a tad bit selective if you do decide to go this route. It’s like going shopping while looking for one thing in particular. There may be several variations available but only one will be a great fit do to perhaps the price, packaging and overall vibe. The same is true of a workout buddy. You want to select a buddy that will inspire, motivate, remain consistent and fit with your overall fitness goals and aspirations. So then, how in the world are you supposed to find the right one?

Workout Buddy – 3 Questions That Will Prove You’ve Found the Right One

Workout Buddy

A few of our fitness pro pals filled us in on a few reflective questions that can help. In regards to a potential workout buddy ask yourself:

  • Will this person be able to meet in order to workout on a regular basis? Remember consistency is major key to getting in shape. Moreover, if someone is flaky they are not for you!
  • Is this person supportive or quite discouraging when it comes to your fitness goals? Any one who projects negativity or laughs at your goals does not need to be around while you are in the process off becoming an even better, healthier you. Negativity can zap your energy as well as inner motivation. Therefore, ignore or cut off the haters. Misery loves company and everyone like that can set at their own table.

Workout Buddy

  • Will your buddy be able to not only keep up, but push you to work harder during workouts? A great workout buddy will not just be another talking head, but a friendly a dedicated pal to light a fire under you when things start to feel a little “lazy.” That type of person will not allow you to settle for mediocre.

Know of someone? Good! Use the above criteria when making your final selection and you as well as your future fitness buddy will be on your way to getting fit and toned!

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Thoughts on Workout Buddy – 3 Questions That Will Prove You’ve Found the Right One? Well, let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fitness as well as health related with us by dropping a comment like it’s hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.

Workout Buddy


Electrolyte Drinks – When Should I Consume Them During My Workout?

Electrolyte Drinks

Is it in you? We have all seen the commercials advertising electrolyte drinks showing athletes being able to work harder and longer. They’re jumping over 10 feet of blocks, biking Everest and throwing footballs halfway around the world. However, most of us are not training to win gold medals or championship rings. Yet, it would be nice to enjoy the same recovering advantages as a pro athlete. Therefore, let’s dive into the world of electrolyte drinks and see if as well as when us girls should be drinking them.

Electrolyte Drinks – When Should I Consume Them During My Workout

When you are trying to get into shape, which is why we are sure you are reading this, it is important to eliminate any unnecessary calories. Easy ones to spot would be unhealthy snacks and soda. Empty and unnecessary calories get you absolutely no where near your fitness goals and can even derail you.

Gatorade and Powerade-esqe drinks can be tempting for a number of reasons. Maybe you are not so fond of drinking water in its pure form and appreciate a little extra flavoring in order to get your chug on. Or perhaps maybe you really do like the idea of having additional electrolytes aiding you in your workout.

Electrolyte Drinks

Electrolytes are a chemical substance found within your body. They have several vital functions that enable your cells and body in general to function properly. These include helping your muscles to contract so there’s movement as well as regulating your heart beat. Some examples of electrolytes or nutrients in your body would be: potassium, calcium, sodium, chloride, magnesium and phosphate.

Moreover, as their name highlights, electrolytes have an electric charge. As they dissolve in your body fluid they take on either a negative or positive charge. The big problem arises once you start working up a sweat. These minerals leave the body as you perspire. Basically, this means when water goes out of your body so does electrolytes. This is why it is important to replace any lost electrolytes so that you keep a nice balance.

Electrolyte Drinks and Your Workout

So all of this begs the question, “Do I really need to consume electrolyte drinks after exercising? It has been shown that dizziness, muscle fatigue as well as nausea can occur when electrolytes have not been introduced back into the body.

Electrolyte Drinks

However, there are a few factors to keep in mind. It largely depends on how much you sweat, intensity of exercises or what was weather while you were moving about outside. As a result, not everyone will need to gulp down a Gatorade after expending some energy.

Actually, reaching for such a drink may just be empty calories you don’t need. Of course, it is important to stay hydrated during any workout session. Nevertheless, drinking water is usually fine and will do the trick.

Hold up though, there is an exception. If you plan to workout for more than an hour then feel free to reach for electrolyte drinks to replenish any lost lytes. The beauty of it all is now there are lower calorie sports available now so that can replace without the waste… of calories.

Thoughts on Electrolyte Drinks – When Should I Consume Them During My Workout? Join the discussion and talk all things health as well as fitness with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.

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Electrolyte Drinks


Nicole Murphy Releases Fitness Program App

There is a reason why the gorgeous Nicole Murphy gets thousands upon thousands of searches a month for her body. It is simply sick! From head-to-toe Nicole is absolutely perfect. Nevertheless, now the fashionable mom and model is dishing how to get an amazing physique just like her. All you have to do is click download.

Nicole Murphy Releases Fitness Program App

After a busy day at school or work the thought of heading to a gym seems like Medieval torture. However, let’s just be honest. If you want a bomb body you HAVE to put in the work. There is no shortcut or way around the equation of getting into the best shape of your life.

Nicole Murphy recognizes such challenges and has recently released an app dedicated to living that fitness life. Imagine being able to turn your home into your gym and your smartphone into your trainer. Murphy wants to train you and get you ready for summer!

Being that it is only February, if you start now you can easily get in shape in time for warmer weather. As they say when exercising it takes 4 weeks for you to notice changes, 8 weeks for friends and fambam and 12 weeks for the world. 12 weeks is only 3 months; therefore, by May you will be ready to seriously strut your stuff. So then, we suggest that you download Nicole’s spanking new app ASAP.

Nicole Murphy Releases Fitness Program App – What You’re Getting

Now that you know why you should get Murphy’s app, you probably want to know what to expect. Regarding her app Nicole says, “You all asked and I finally did it! I am launching my fitness app! [There’s] a link at NicoleMurphy.com. Fashion and fitness are two of my favorite things. Be a part of my fitness journey and become a member now.

Get summertime ready with my fitness program. Workouts, tips and healthy recipes. Showing [you] how to make it a healthy lifestyle.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Before getting started always remember that you must make a commitment. Keep in mind, its not about just exercise, it is truly a lifestyle. The more you commit the better results you will receive. Therefore, do you need a little inspiration? Nicole Murphy is also known for her motivational quotes. Here are a few of our favorites:

“Ladies it’s time for us to all come together as strong women of all colors and start being women who walk with style and grace. Time to think more of yourself. Start being the queen that you are set out to be. Love yourself.”

“Self love is self worth ladies!”

“By my stride or by my eyes, you will see my determination, my focus, my drive. Love the skin you’re in, because there is only one you.”

Still needing a little push to get up off that couch? Here are a few photos of the stunning Nicole Murphy and her toned bod. We are sure these will convince you that her awesome app is SO the way to go!

Thoughts on Nicole Murphy Releases Fitness Program App? Gab away with us and talk all things fitness as well as celebrity related by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.


Sports Bras- How Long Will They Errr… Support the Girls?


Did you make it a goal to get into the best shape of your life this year? Congratulations! It is a great objective to have and we are confident you will succeed. Nevertheless, there are several items that will make the journey a lot easier and sports bras definitely are high on the list!

Sports Bras- How Long Will They Errr… Support the Girls?

Jiggle may make the boys giggle but it is no joke when you are jumping rope. Working out without wearing sports bras can be uncomfortable and in some cases even painful. Which is the last thing you want to be worried about when you are trying to get your Rihanna or Beyonce body.

The reason why the sports bra is essential when it comes to fitness attire is the support. These type of bras were specifically and specially designed to help cut down any risks of developing breast or back pain. It accomplishes this by supporting your breasts all the way around. Thus, you achieve security while also allowing your skin to breathe while you break a sweat. Truly, one of the best designs and inventions for us ladies.

Nevertheless, speaking of ladies, how long can we expect sports bras to truly support the girls? On average, a very good sports bra can last for up to eight months. So then, investing in a quality bra is very important. Moreover, once a the life of a sports bra has run its course toss it. Don’t fight it, it was a great comrade in the fight against flab while it lasted.


But There’s More!

Furthermore, there are some things you can do when caring for the bra that will allow it to last to its full potential. When it comes to maintenance skip the dryer and let it air dry. Also, try not to use the same one more than twice a week. Invest in multiple pairs so that a handy supply is always readily available.

Doing the above will help to ensure that the bra’s fibers do not weaken prematurely. Strong fibers means great support. Once more we wish you success in your fitness goals and with the right attire you can get there comfortably.

Thoughts on Sports Bras- How Long Will They Errr… Support the Girls? Join the discussion and gab away with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.


This Works! The Deep Conditioning Hair Workout Plan

This Works! The Deep Conditioning Hair Workout Plan

We’re all busy people so when we can kill two birds with one stone we are happy campers. Did you know you can mix fitness and haircare? Get a great physique and awesome head of hair. Check out the deep conditioning hair workout plan that actually works!

The Deep Conditioning Hair Workout Plan

We were kind of skeptical when we learned of this hair tip. In theory of course it sounded logical, but some of the best sounding tricks at times fall flat. Nevertheless, so what exactly is the deep conditioning hair workout plan?

First, you begin by completely saturating your tresses with a hair oil. We tried coconut, grapeseed, argan and Moroccan oil. Next, toss your hair up in a bun or if shorter pin it back and away from your face. You don’t want to clog your pores with all that excess oil do you?

After hair is in position go exercise! That is when the magic starts to happen. Once your body begins to heat up due to your movements the oil in your hair will also heat up. While you workout you will be giving your strands a nice hot oil treatment. Thus, deep conditioning your hair.

Deep Conditioning Hair Removal

Oil does not mix with water so you will need more than just H2O to remove it from your strands. All you have to do is wash your hair like normal and the treatment will rinse out. The deep conditioning hair workout plan is a very easy at-home treatment that can be done as often as you need.

Moreover, all that exercise you will be doing will have you looking like an IG baddie too. As a result, in no time flat you will achieve a sexy bod and beautiful hair! So try try out this hair trick because you will love the outcome.

Thoughts on The Deep Conditioning Hair Workout Plan? Talk hair with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.

This Works! The Deep Conditioning Hair Workout Plan2