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How to Wash Face Correctly -The Complete 7 Steps

How to Wash Face Correctly

Well, first you use the bar soap to… UHN! Then you apply moisturizer…UHN! Okay, so how in the world are you really supposed to get the job done (Lol). Hello and welcome to beauty 101 class where we are going to quickly outline how to wash face correctly.

How to Wash Face Correctly

It seems simple, and it is. However, many out there (we used to be one of them) are not performing every necessary step. You see most of us were taught to simply suds up, rinse and moisturize.

All great things to learn and a valiant step in the name of beauty. Nevertheless, the way to that superstar skin that you see the rich and famous rocking with, takes a little more doing. Yet, knowledge is power and those secrets all your faves know and utilize can now become yours1

The simplest way to have amazing skin is to make sure it is properly cleansed, hydrated and protected. As a wise esthetician once shared with us is that you should look at this way, “You start by taking away… taking away all the dirt, grim and bacteria and then you put the good stuff back in… i.e. serums and moisturizers.”

So then, are you ready to take the right steps to get your skin looking more fabulous than ever? Good, check out the super brief graphic below which outlines every step; AND tells you why it is necessary to do.

For instance, do you own toner? Are you currently using an eye cream or serum? It does not matter if you are a teen or in your early 20’s. It is never to early to start developing a good skincare routine in order to keep your youthful looks. Additionally, if you are older it is never too late to start fixing some of the damage or issues that developed from a lack of beauty maintenance.

Regardless of what category you fall in, a washing your face correctly can give you a look worthy of the cover of a magazine! So happy cleansing everyone!


Arianne Suggs is the founder of 1966 Magazine. I love to write about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, fitness and travel. Join me on my journey.