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Morning Thoughts: Granny Beauty Tip

Morning Thoughts: Granny Beauty Tip

Good Morning!

Thanks for stopping by 1966. We are halfway through the week already and the weekend shall once more be upon us (throws up appropriate hand sign LOL). This morning I wanted to talk about a granny beauty tip. Most likely we all have them, whether our grandmothers shared something with us point blank or maybe picked up something helpful from observation. Some of the best tips that can be found are the ones we receive from our moms and grandmas.

Its usually not till we’re a little older that we realize the benefits of their advice. My granny always told me to moisturize my face every morning and night. Being a tomboy you think moisturizer was the first thing on my mind? Of course not, all I wanted to do was splash water mixed with soap and go outside and play some sport or climb a tree.

Morning Thoughts: Granny Beauty Tip2

However, to this day my grandmother still does not possess one single wrinkle. Not one! Therefore, my granny beauty tip is to moisturize, moisturize and moisturize some more. Don’t skip or skimp on the process, your skin will thank you. Being young we tend not to think that we will always wake up looking the same. Nope, that’s just flawed, wishful thinking. You’re going to get old at some point, but it will be a reflection on how well you took care of yourself in your younger years.

Skin experts have even proven that as we age skin becomes drier. If you’re already in the habit of giving your skin the hydration it needs you’re already ahead of the game. I’d say if not ignored, this simple granny beauty tip will truly go the distance for you.

Enjoy your day!

Arianne xoxo

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