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Make Your Lips Bigger or Smaller Without Surgery

Make Your Lips Bigger or Smaller Without Surgery3

As much as we love ourselves most women would like to change one or two things in regards to their appearance. As the saying goes we all want what we can’t have. Ever noticed that a woman with a beautiful physique may want smaller hips or she may have a great facial bone structure yet desires a softer look. No matter what beauty each of us possess still a small change here and there could be nice.

Today we are going to focus on the lips, whether you want them fuller or thinner this post will help get you there. To perform this beauty feat all you will need is a lip pencil aka liner. Nevertheless, when you doing this you never want to go too far or overboard otherwise the ending result will look unnatural. The reason why this trick works so well is because lip pencils allow you to cleanly redefine your lips in a subtle manner.

Make Your Lips Bigger or Smaller Without Surgery2

Create Fullness: Use the lip liner to trace and outline your lips as normal, but create the line a slightly outside your natural lip line. Doing so will give you a larger area to fill making your lips look instantly bigger.

Make Your Lips Bigger or Smaller Without Surgery

Thin the Pout: Outline your lips using the lip pencil, but instead of following your mouth’s natural outline trace just on the inside. This will give the appearance that a small amount of lip has done a poof magic trick.

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