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1966 Beauty Pick: Too Faced Glow Job Facial Mask with Real Gold!

Too Faced Glow Job

Get your glow on and your best looking skin ever! Too Faced Glow Job glitter facial mask is the real deal and we are here to breakdown exactly why and show you how to use it. You ready?

Too Faced Glow Job- Who’s Feeling It?

Too Faced Glow Job

Any company can make the claim that their beauty product is a must-have item. However, we like to be really sure before we spend our hard earned cash on just anything. Reviews are a girl’s best friend to adding a new item to her beauty bag and routine. What have we found online?

One of our ultimate favorite Youtube and Instagram superstars gave herself a glow job! Known to the world as Makeup Shayla, this beauty guru demonstrated just how easy it is to get radiant looking skin with Too Faced Glow Job. Her thoughts on the product? She says,

“Who likes a Glow Job? Too Faced cosmetics gives the best Glow Job Facials with their glitter face mask. Micro fine glitter in the mask is cosmetic grade and leaves the skin with a radiant finish. Apply a thin layer and let it dry for 30-40 minutes and then peel off.”

Too Faced Glow Job

Sounds pretty simple right? All you really need is enough time to let product the mask divulge it’s benefits to your skin. Would you like a demonstration of how to use this mask? We’ve got you covered! Check out Miss Shayla doing what she does best below. (Just click the pic to watch).

A post shared by SHAYLA (@makeupshayla) on

Too Faced Glow Job – The Awesome Benefits

When it comes to new products on the market many consumers ask, why? Why do I need this in my life? What is it really going to do for me? To help answer those questions when it comes to the Too Faced Glow Job glitter facial mask; we have complied a few of the numerous benefits.

Complexion Perfection– Oh I love dull looking skin, said no one ever! One feature of this mask is it’s fabulous exfoliating formula which can renew dull, tired looking skin. Therefore, look fresh and like you have been shelling out the big bucks at your local dermatologist.

So Peel Me– Easy clean up is so important in the world of beauty. While other masks such as clay versions can be a little bit of a pain to remove at times. This mask has a nifty peel off feature. Once the mask dries and you have given it enough time to work its magic all you have to do is peel and pitch. Say goodbye to the days of washcloth and water splash removal!

Too Faced Glow Job

It’s Gluten Free– This is an amazing feature especially if you currently have an intolerance or deal with Celiac’s Disease. Even though throughout the years skincare experts have come to the conclusion that gluten can not be absorbed directly through the skin this does not mean it can’t have an effect on someone with an allergy.

Any gluten containing product that even touches a person’s lips or mouth could be ingested thus causing an unpleasant reaction in some users that are allergic to grains such as wheat. Therefore, it is nice that the Too Faced brand has thought ahead and addressed this issue. Making their product something consumers can use without worry.

Too Faced Glow Job – The Awesome Benefits (Cont.)

Too Faced Glow Job

They Care About Our Cute Furry Friends- If you have ever Netflix and chilled a few documentaries on animal cruelty it probably made you rethink how products are made. The Too Faced Glow Job facial mask is a cruelty free product. So we and our adorable wild friends can both breathe a sigh of relief.

Glow Up- This major plus is found right in this product’s name. Luminous, glowing skin can be yours all without the need of highlighter (unless, you just really want to wink, wink).

Who’s On BaseMakeup looks the best when skin is as smooth as butter. Thanks to the exfoliating ingredients in this mask you can achieve the perfect base and foundation for makeup application. So then, build your beauty look right and begin with a skincare product that readies and preps skin with a clear, soft finish.

The Runner Ups – Top 3 Facial Masks to Also Consider

Too Faced Glow Job

If you love this product there are a few others we recommend as well. All of these items are not only highly recommended by beauty pros, but score super high with other consumers just like you!

1. Majestic Pure 24K Gold Mask– Keep signs of aging as well as acne at bay with the help of this mask’s golden formula. Out of over 300 reviews, users give this product a four out of five star rating. The cost of this facial mask is $18.50.

2. L’Oreal Paris Pure Clay Mask– Brighten up your complexion and detox your skin by the removal of impurities. With beauty and skincare consumers this product is basically a bonafide cult favorite. This mask has been reviewed by over 1500 people! It’s rating? A solid four and a half stars, with five being the highest it could achieve. The cost of this product is right under $10 ($9.77).

3. Aria Starr Dead Sea Mud Mask– Last, but certainly not least; this facial mask is especially great for combating skin issues dealing with oily skin, acne and the horrible beauty foe known as blackheads. Okay, so let’s quickly talk consumer rating. The Aria Starr Dead Sea Mud Mask which comes along with the price tag of $14.95, has been reviewed over a staggering  2700 times! Therefore, how does it rate? Users give this facial mask a four and a half out of five rating. Amazing!

Want This Product? Buy It By Clicking This Link.

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Thoughts on 966 Beauty Pick: Too Faced Glow Job Facial Mask with Real Gold? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.

Too Faced Glow Job


Does Chocolate Cause Acne? Esthechoc Could Change the Game

Does Chocolate Cause Acne? Esthechoc Could Change the Game3

How can the perfect comfort food when surviving monthly cramps be so bad? Researchers for years have been trying to solve the mystery, does chocolate cause acne? Some can eat the yummy, delectable treat while others simply can not. Therefore, is there a way chocolate and skincare can actually come together in a positive way?

Does Chocolate Cause Acne? Esthechoc Could Change the Game

Okay dolls here is the truth in a beauty nutshell. There is absolutely little to no evidence proving that chocolate causes breakouts. Alright, so what gives? Why do some people eat the coco and wind up as a pie face?

The thing is what has been proven through countless studies is that consuming a high-sugar/high-fat diet can lead to acne. This is because such a diet can increase sebum production thus promoting inflammatory responses within the body. Those responses is what leads to ugly breakouts.

Sebum is a greasy oil that is secreted from the sebaceous glands. We need sebum because it helps to lubricate as well as waterproof our hair and skin. Without sebum our skin and hair would lack moisture and dry out.

As you can see sebum can be good or disastrous. As mama always said, “Too much of a good thing can be bad.” Acne forms when too much sebum is produced. So then, you can begin to see why it is important not to do anything that may increase oil production. Besides watching our diet we would also want to avoid over washing our skin.

Does Chocolate Cause Acne? Esthechoc Could Change the Game4

Does Chocolate Cause Acne? Esthechoc – The Game Changer

So we have debunked the myth, does chocolate cause acne and now we are going to share some good news! The amazing scientists over at Cambridge have answered all of our chocolate prayers and developed Esthechoc. Esthechoc is a dark chocolate that comes packed with anti-aging benefits. Clinical trials of the chocolate have been very promising. One piece of Esthechoc was shown to reduce inflammation and promote firmer skin.


So then, they are telling us chocolate does not crack (wink, wink). Want some Esthechoc in your life? Get a 21 day supply of chocolate for $55 by going here.

Thoughts on Does Chocolate Cause Acne? Esthechoc Could Change the Game? Talk all things beauty and skincare with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.

Photography by: Felix Crown



Does Dairy Cause Acne in All Girls?

make mine Milk undated handout photo of -Factor judge Kelly Rowland who has been unveiled as the new face of the "make mine Milk" campaign. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday November 14, 2011. campaign is designed to promote low fat, nutrient-dense milk. Photo credit should read: make mine Milk/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.
                        Make Mine Milk Undated Handout Photo of -Factor Judge Kelly Rowland

If you happen to experience dairy breakouts you may wonder does dairy cause acne in all girls? Acne can occur for a number of reasons and sometimes many ladies do not think of food as being the culprit. More logical reasons always seem to be cosmetics, lack of sleep or even stress. Therefore, what is so wrong with dairy products in the first place? Dairy is fine, but how everyone reacts to it is different.

Does Dairy Cause Acne in All Girls?

It can be tough to give up dairy in order to avoid breakouts. For that would mean no more ice cream, yogurt and cheese can almost sound like a death sentence. However, there are still plenty of other yummy foods that can be consumed that can make the food switch up worth it. One would have to think long and hard whether to continue to experience dairy acne or cut out dairy in exchange for smooth, gorgeous skin.

So then what causes this type of skin issue? Studies indicate that some milk-based products contain hormones from cows. These very cow hormones in some people stimulate the sebaceous glands. As a result, acne is created. Therefore to answer the question at the forefront of this post, no this reaction is not seen in all women. Most will not have to cut out dairy from their diet but it is a good thing to try if acne keeps occurring after indulging in milk-based products.

Thoughts on Does Dairy Cause Acne in All Girls? Talk all things beauty and skin care with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or join the discussion by hitting us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.



How to Naturally Remove Blackheads Fast

naturally remove blackheads

Beauty Quickie:

Got more blackheads than trees in the Black Forest? Experiencing 99 problems and acne is only one? Take a deep breath love, you are not alone. Trouble areas having been popping up since the Stone Age. However, just know that they can be fixed! Here is a neat, nifty and easy way to naturally remove blackheads.

What is a black head? Simply put it is a very small, black-tipped fat butt mass that finds its way into a skin follicle. Usually, these ug-bugs are found on the face. Not cool when its like Picture Day, Snap Story Time, Driver License Photoshoot Day or about time to post a new selfie on the Gram.

The Trick

naturally remove blackheads3

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Lemon Wedge
  • Raw Honey

To naturally remove blackheads apply five drops on honey onto the open lemon wedge. Next, gently rub the lemon all over your face. Nevertheless, focus attention on your trouble areas and spots. Keep on rubbing for 60 seconds.

After the 60 seconds is up allow the lemon and raw honey mixture to rest on your face. Set an alarm for 5 minutes. Then, do some jumping jacks, see whats trending on Twitter or create a new meme that will win the Internet. When your alarm goes off rinse off the lemon and raw honey mixture with cool water.

Naturally Remove Blackheads – Last Words

Boom! Easy right? You can naturally remove blackheads without the fuss. Here is one thing to keep in mind about this natural tip. Citrus can be amazing for your skin but there’s one small downside. Citrus has the ability to make skin sensitive to light or radiation.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to perform this natural skin procedure at night before bedtime. That’s all for now!

Thoughts on this Beauty Quickie on How to Naturally Remove Blackheads? Talk beauty with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.

LAS VEGAS, NV - MAY 22:  Singer Kelly Rowland arrives at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards at T-Mobile Arena on May 22, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada.  (Photo by Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic)
 (Photo: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic)

Beauty Quickie: Can Acne Be Scrubbed Away?

Can Acne Be Scrubed Away

Beauty Quickie: Come on, go ahead and admit it, you have tried this method before at least once in order to remove acne from your midst. To be honest, we don’t judge or blame you because let’s face it a giant pimple wouldn’t exactly be described as “cute.” Nevertheless, what really happens when we try to buff our acne into oblivion?

To make a long story short, taking a washcloth or harsh substance to the face while scrubbing vigorously will only achieve in removing the top layer of skin. What’s worse is that this action actually results in more acne being produced! Yikes… definitely not what you are after if your aim is to control your skin’s oil production.

Nevertheless, why exactly would serious scrubbing backfire in this instance? This is because getting rough and going all Hulk on your delicate face causes irritation. Therefore, mistreating your skin will have the adverse effect that you are after. So then, leave the buffing for your nails and always treat your skin gently and with much care.

Can Acne Be Scrubed Away2


Beauty Question: Is Steaming Good or Bad For Skin?

Beauty Question: Is Steaming Good or Bad For Skin

Beauty Answer: We totally understand, most likely you are someone who would like to rid your skin of acne without causing any scarring. The number one mistake that most make with pimples is to disturb them by pinching or squeezing. This method of removing acne is not very effective and in many cases can cause more harm than good.

For this reason women have turned to other options such as steaming in order to safely remove their blemishes. Steaming is actually a beauty method used by cosmetologist in order to remove acne like pimples or blackheads. How is steaming helpful in removing these forms of acne? The steam encourages surrounding skin to become more soft and supple. This thus causes any bacteria, hardened oils or dirt to be easily removed from your skin.

Beauty Question: Is Steaming Good or Bad For Skin2

Steaming is a process that is highly recommended to be handled by a trained professional. Moreover, in some cases cosmetologists couple steaming with the needle method. A cosmetologist will use a sterilized needle to gently apply pressure to whiteheads. This gentle pricking will cause pus to ease on out. Therefore, steaming and whitehead removal via needle are best handled by trained individuals and are deemed the safest options for ridding skin of acne.

Thoughts? Join the discussion on our Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram or tweet us @1966magazine.


What a Great Skin Cleanser Should Contain

what a great skin cleanser should have in it

Beauty Quickie: When doing your beauty shopping never be afraid to flip over a product to know what exactly is in it. If you want to look your best, you have to use the best. Unfortunately, not all cleansers are created equal and some will give your skin more assistance than others. If you are in the market for a skin cleanser because you are prone to acne then always look for a product that contains benzoyl peroxide or salycilic acid.