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1966 Mag Podcast Discussing Black Hair, Black Beauty and More!

1966 Mag Podcast Discussing Black Hair, Black Beauty and More

We are so excited to be launching a new feature that will highlight and dive into every subject ranging from fashion to travel and even being a boss lady otherwise known as a fabulous business owner! The 1966 Mag Podcast aka the Carly and Ari Show is hosted by 1966 Magazine Editor, Arianne Suggs and our wonderful Style Ambassador, Carlifonia Swela Aphane.

Carly and I may come from different parts of the globe but the fact remains that we both deal with the same issues yet share the same interests. There are so many topics that are of concern to black women that our aim is to address them in an open and fun manner that will be insightful and empowering. Women of color should feel naturally gorgeous everyday and we want to help one and all celebrate their stunning features!

Episode number one is already out and ready for listening ears. Carly and I talk about our tips in regards to hair and what stylish ladies are fearless when it comes to hairstyles. Each program is just 10 minutes so be sure to check back every week for a new podcast filled with our best black beauty tips and tricks.

What I’m loving most about all of these platforms including podcasts is that now information is right there at anyone’s fingertips. Its not like us gals in the past didn’t want to know how to rock our natural locks, its just the information wasn’t there. In more recent times thanks to podcasts, Youtube and other social media platforms women everywhere can learn how to look and feel their best in seconds! We hope that you will enjoy listening to the 1966 Mag Carly and Ari Podcast and let us all keep sharing because as they say, “Knowledge is power.”

Listen to the Podcast!