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Ready to be more successful this year and for the foreseeable future? Perfect! You’re in the right place. Today, we are discussing 3 great positive thinking techniques.

Why is learning these so important? Well, oftentimes it’s our mindset and focus that can either give us the extra notch to level up; or help motivate us to continue on as we face challenges. Challenges are normal when we are trying to be successful at something; however, we need to be mentally and emotionally tough to not allow them to cause us to feel “less than” or just completely give up.

For instance, think of climbers who wish to get to the top of Everest. Do they assume it’s going to be a walk in the park, and super easy to get to the top? No. They are well aware that there are many factors that could slow them down or make it impossible to get up there. So what do they do?

They TRAIN to get their bodies and minds prepared for what they may face. Therefore, when they actually do face similar situations or problems; they are ready for them! They’ll know what to do and can enjoy the thrill of besting the mountain.

3 Great Positive Thinking Techniques: For a Happier, Successful You!

You can train yourself for more success as well! By working hard to be more positive. Positivity helps you to think clearer, be more determined, have more confidence in yourself; and allows you not to be so hard on yourself if you don’t initially succeed.



Therefore, how can this be done? By utilizing a few methods on a daily basis that in time can help you develop more positivity. Here are 3 great techniques to start with:

1. Practice Positive Self Taught: Stop the failure conversation in your head. Failure talk is like drinking poison; you are willingly making yourself worse, not better. Instead of allowing yourself to consume “mental poison” by thinking negatively; you have to work to change your perception.

You must begin to see the glass as half full; instead of half empty. Negative thinking will have you ready to quit, before you can even really get going. Every morning, try reciting positive affirmations like: I can do this, I am smart, there is nothing beyond my grasp. Also, whenever you have negative thoughts aim to immediately dismiss them.

2. Keep Learning: Let’s say that you want to learn to play the violin. Would you feel comfortable playing in front of a huge audience tomorrow night? Or would you feel more comfortable playing a number in one year after you’ve had a chance to practice?

Most likely you would like a moment to practice. Practicing would help you to feel less anxiety during the performance because you’ve had time to pick up skills that make you good. You will perform better, because you have developed your musical acumen.

This same concept can be used with positive thinking. With whatever you are trying to be more successful at; you must keep learning about that subject. The more knowledgeable you become, the more confident you will be in that particular arena. You’ll feel more positive on your journey because you’re not totally “green.”

It’s like taking a test in school. Were you more confident on Test Day when you had studied, or when you were unprepared and winging it? Most likely understanding concepts and ideas helped you score higher. You can score higher in life as well by educating yourself.

3. Keep a Gratitude Journal: Sometimes it is easy to be negative when we feel like nothing is going right in life. However, journaling can help to dismantle this belief. By writing out good things that have happened recently or things we are grateful for; we can change our perception.

Instead of thinking negatively; we can focus on a list of things that show all the positives in life. Make a list saying: you are grateful for being alive, good food, friends, family, getting more fit; reaching goals, starting a business; etc. Seeing the good can make the bad seem less important. Plus, when we feel good, we are happier and feel more motivated to become more successful!

Want more tips? Watch the following video!


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Arianne Suggs is the founder of 1966 Magazine. I love to write about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, fitness and travel. Join me on my journey.