Need a wig in a pinch? No problem Girl!! We spy with our little cute black hairstyle eye, a stylish Body Wave Synthetic Wig. Actually, we see more than just one all the time. Therefore, …

Natural Girl Wigs -Black Hair Pieces and Wigs with Gorgeous Texture!
The black hair industry has come A LONG way when it comes to providing hair that matches the stunningly unique hair textures of black women! In times past, this wasn’t so easy. Most brands …

Faux Locs Wig -5 BEST Brands to Get the Look!
After this article you will have your hair “on LOC!” We have complied not one, not two; but 5 brands that are all selling some amazing, if not the best Faux Locs Wig around! …

Natural Girl Wigs Bohemian Locs Wig -Look Like a Queen in an Instant!
Skip the 8 hours in a salon chair and surf your pretty little self on over to Natural Girl Wigs! This amazing black-owned brand is killing the hair game with kinky texture hair pieces …
Scam on Instagram: Wig Scammers, Fake Ads and Fake Hair Accounts
There is a huge scam on Instagram right now and it involves wigs, fake ads; and fake hair accounts. Have you seen them? Most likely, you have.
These awful folks have been following and spreading their harmful lies for the last few months. Worst part, is that Instagram has done absolutely nothing about it. These scammers are still roaming free looking for their next victim.
However, YOU do not have to be a casualty and get conned out of your coins. All you have to do is be aware of what’s going on; and be sure not to get involved with such people, ads or accounts. What signs should you look for?
Scam on Instagram: Wig Scammers, Fake Ads and Fake Hair Accounts
Influencer Brittanie Evans laid it all out on the table in order to protect her fans as well as other hair enthusiasts. She says,
“Seriously, Instagram! I see so many hair stylist, wig makers; and wig review videos STOLEN and used to scam people out of their money — on Instagram! Every day, I am followed by dozens and dozens of fake hair pages. All with the same photos and stolen pictures.
I have seen ads where they will crop the video and put their fake business name or steal a review video; and say the hair is theirs. I mean, sometimes they don’t even care if the video has another business name on it. They will steal it and advertise its their wig for $20. Then you read the comments and all the women are complaining that they ordered and they received a fake shiny Party City wig.
It’s beyond ridiculous. I report every fake ad and page that I see but there are so many and more with every scroll. These fake pages have even purchased comments and likes to further scam you into thinking they are real. AND if that doesn’t work, they have gone so far to create an account to advertise another “fake” account in the stolen ad video comments. IT”S CRAZY! I am so sick of this. Do something about it, Instagram!”
Scam on Instagram: Wig Scammers, Fake Ads and Fake Hair Accounts (Continued)
As one can see, there is some major foul play going on the Gram. Plus, with lace front wigs and extensions being so trendy, that leaves a lot of women vulnerable to being taken advantage of and suffering a hair “L.”
Nevertheless, as Brittanie stated, while online you have to be very mindful of stolen images, fake users and fake comments. So far these scams are still very prevalent on Instagram so BEWARE. Watch out for yourself and your fellow girlfriend; so that you can keep your cash instead of getting sent some fake trash.
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Thoughts on Scam on Instagram: Wig Scammers, Fake Ads and Fake Hair Accounts? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things hair as well as haircare product related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.
GIVEAWAY! Win $10,000 Worth of Freedom Couture Hair-Rocked by Jourdan Dunn
Model Jourdan Dunn took our breath away with her latest selfie. Of course, she looked as beautiful as ever. However, her hair stole the show as well as our hairstyle addict hearts! Dunn spilled the beans on her gorgeous locks by revealing that they are from luxury brand, Freedom Couture. The best part? FC is doing a major giveaway to the tune of $10,000 worth of Freedom Couture hair product. May the odds be forever in our favor ladies!
GIVEAWAY! Win $10,000 Worth of Freedom Couture Hair-Rocked by Jourdan Dunn
Need a new wig? You can be among the luckiest girls in the world and score a brand new custom unit. The owner of Freedom Couture explains,
“I am loving this giveaway. I really want to make sure I continue to do giveaways because I believe it gives a chance for Bellas who don’t have the money; but, desperately need a wig to get their dream hair. [Therefore] win $10,000 free wigs!

To show my Bellas how much I love you I will be giving away 5 Freedom Couture Handmade custom units with a total value of up to $10,000 to 5 lucky winners. Contest guidelines: Follow us on Instagram (handle is @freedomcouture). Follow us on snapchat (handle is also @freedomcouture). Tag as many friends/ people in every giveaway post. Repost all giveaway videos and pictures with hashtag “FCGiveaway.” [Lastly], your account must be open.
This competition is open worldwide, anyone can enter! The winners will be announced in a few weeks on Instagram! Wishing you all the best of luck!”
**Want Even More Hair News, Insights as well as Trends? Download Our New Shiny App! Click HERE**
Thoughts on Ask and Tell: Model Winnie Harlow Wearing Alberta Ferretti Spring 2017? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.
The Blac Chyna Faux Locs Blonde Wig That’s Breaking the Internet
Future Mrs. Kardashian is breaking the Internet thanks to her new hair look! Everything is different in hair world for the new mom. She is rocking a new style and new hair tint. Nevertheless, that is not the only big surprise. Ladies and gents it is a wig. Keep scrolling dolls you will want to learn more about The Blac Chyna Faux Locs Blonde Wig That’s Breaking the Internet.
The Blac Chyna Faux Locs Blonde Wig That’s Breaking the Internet
It is a bird, it is a plane. No lovelies it is just the most natural looking faux locs wig we have ever seen. Wig tech has definitely come a long way throughout the years. For instance, we now have adjustable parting options, lace fronts, seamless hair lines, baby hairs and closures. Therefore, in words of Shirley Ceasar, “You name it!”
The Blac Chyna Faux Locs Blonde Wig That’s Breaking the Internet was created at The Kellon Deryck Salon. A posh, high end salon located in Atlanta, Georgia. Aaliyah, one of the talented stylists at the Deryck establishment designed the wig along with Kellon using exquisite precision.
Nevertheless, her work continues to be shared across all online platforms at a lightning pace. As a result, requests from women wanting their on wig are pouring in as well. It looks everyone wants to get their hands on their own faux locs unit ASAP. Moreover, some of the requests are coming from over a dozen well-known celebrities. So then, it looks like Aaliyah and Kellon are about to get even busier.
Aaliyah wearing the Faux Locs Wig
The Blac Chyna Faux Locs Blonde Wig
The wig Blac Chyna wears is made using the Flawless Illusion technique. Basically, the wig is modified and manipulated in order to create a natural looking hairline. For instance, some hairs near the wigs hairline are added and removed. Afterwards, the wig is then customized to fit the wearers face shape. What type of ladies would this particular wig be perfect for on a daily basis? Kellon Deryck shared his take on the subject by stating,
“Love this fun look on Black Chyna. Lace front wig created at the Kellon Deryck Salon. Great for the girls that want the look but don’t feel like sitting down to get their hair braided.”
Kellon also says the wig is great for new moms because its easy and low maintenance. Can still look great while chasing around the kiddies. Nonetheless, we hope Deryck as well as crew takes a hint from all the hype and creates an entire wig line. We would totally be willing to shell out some dough for an unit or two. Plus, something tells us there are many others who would too!
Thoughts on The Blac Chyna Faux Locs Blonde Wig That’s Breaking the Internet? Gab away with us and join the discussion by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.
Hair Quickie: How to Quickly Figure Out The Best Hair Color
How to Quickly Figure Out The Best Hair Color? This post will dive into how to choose the right color for your skin tone. Of course, there are plenty of fun colors trending right now. For instance, Vogue Italia for their big September issue is featuring four models with blue, orange, pink and yellow hair. You may want cotton candy or fire engine red hair but will it really be the best color for you? Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind.
Hair Quickie: How to Quickly Figure Out The Best Hair Color
Tip #1 The best hair color is one that is flattering to your skin tone and eyes. Most likely you already know your natural eye color well. To figure out your skin tone take a glance at the inside of your forearm. This area is usually not contacted by the sun giving you a pretty accurate picture of your skin tone. Test out different tints using this color (skin tone) as your guide.
Tip #2 Just freaking wig out! Not out of stress but seriously head to a beauty supply store and test out different colored wigs. For free you will be able to see which colors look best.
Tip #3 Find your celebrity twin. Hair experts swear by this trick. Look for a celebrity who shares the same eye color and skin tone as you. Celebrities tend to change their hair color often in order to seem innovative and on trend. Therefore, if they look fabulous in certain hair hues you know you will too.
Thoughts on How to Quickly Figure Out The Best Hair Color? Talk all things hair with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or gab away with us by hitting us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.
#1 Mistake When Growing Black Hair With Wigs
Arianne’s (right) hair growth after 7 months
For thousands of years women have sought to have hair that can be truly deemed as a “crown of glory.” Women have tried natural remedies and have even attempted more unconventional methods in order to lengthen their strands. For instance, in ancient Egypt the fat from hippos, snakes and crocs were applied to the scalp in hopes of encouraging hair growth. Cleopatra is also of said to have recommended an concoction of ground up mice, bear grease and horse teeth.
Now before you go laying mouse traps it should be noted that Cleopatra’s suggestion didn’t work so well and her lover Caesar turned to fashion to hide his receding hairline. You may recall this prominent figure wearing a hair wreath and now you know why.
This just goes to show that hair growth has been an important issue for centuries and women as well as men are willing to try anything to attain length. One method that is used frequently in more modern times is growing out hair by wearing a wig. I personally have used this method and with much success. My hair went from damaged and above my shoulders to healthy as well as to the middle of my back.
My natural hair after I stopped wearing wigs
Growing hair by wearing a wig was successful for me because it allowed my hair to “breathe.” We do some much to our hair via heating tools, rollers, you name it that sometimes it can be beneficial to give your hair a little vacation from all of those contraptions. I have found that by wearing wigs especially if it matches my natural texture, I can reduce the amount of heat used on my hair and encourage it to grow faster. In my experience I have found that the more I just leave my hair alone the more growth I achieve. Therefore, it is no wonder why women have flocked to get braids or sew-ins to grow their hair. Such styles allow locks to grow in a controlled and protected atmosphere.
However, there is one mistake that can completely blow the wig technique that will actually have you losing hair instead of growing it. I know because I made this same error and I would like to help you avoid it. Whatever you do at all cost, DO NOT FORGET to care for your hair underneath your wig.
Now I’m sure you are thinking but Arianne that’s it, that is so simple! Yes, it is but it is something that often goes to the wayside due to the ease and simplicity of wearing a wig. Wearing a wig will have your hair styled and ready to go in minutes or less with you out the door.
For example, for blending reasons I prefer to wear half wigs because I believe it gives you a more natural look since part of your own hair is visible. This also gives you more versatility to change up part position and your hairstyle in general. When I was wearing wigs I would part my hair leaving some out near my crown while pulling the rest back into a bun. I’d then slide on my wig and get on with my day. A process that took five minutes tops even on a bad day.
When I originally grew my hair out I was like a well-trained military general. I was militant about applying leave-in conditioner plus a hair oil every single day. Or I would wet my hair to add moisture then apply my Mane N’ Tail conditioner to keep my strands well-nourished. I would do deep conditioning treatments as well as hot oil treatments and scalp massage. The result? My hair grew several inches in mere months.
The problems came when after I achieved my desired length I became quite laxed in my hair routine. I wasn’t so consistent and eventually my lack of care began to show. I lost literally palmful chunks of my hair and I also experienced my fair share of shedding. My tresses also became dull in appearance with the development of split ends.
Therefore, what is the hair lesson to take away from my hair growth experience? Whether you are wearing extensions or wigs always continue to give proper care to your own natural hair. Moreover, once you achieve your desired length continue to keep up the good hair practices that got you there. As I have learned the hard way, hair journeys are never ending and if you deviate off the right path you can suffer some bad consequences. So then, stay focused because your hair will either reward you or punish you for the way you treat it.
Thoughts? Talk hair by leaving a comment or hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.