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Beauty Question: Is Steaming Good or Bad For Skin?

Beauty Question: Is Steaming Good or Bad For Skin

Beauty Answer: We totally understand, most likely you are someone who would like to rid your skin of acne without causing any scarring. The number one mistake that most make with pimples is to disturb them by pinching or squeezing. This method of removing acne is not very effective and in many cases can cause more harm than good.

For this reason women have turned to other options such as steaming in order to safely remove their blemishes. Steaming is actually a beauty method used by cosmetologist in order to remove acne like pimples or blackheads. How is steaming helpful in removing these forms of acne? The steam encourages surrounding skin to become more soft and supple. This thus causes any bacteria, hardened oils or dirt to be easily removed from your skin.

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Steaming is a process that is highly recommended to be handled by a trained professional. Moreover, in some cases cosmetologists couple steaming with the needle method. A cosmetologist will use a sterilized needle to gently apply pressure to whiteheads. This gentle pricking will cause pus to ease on out. Therefore, steaming and whitehead removal via needle are best handled by trained individuals and are deemed the safest options for ridding skin of acne.

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5 Skincare Tips to Build Selfie Confidence

5 Skincare Tips to Build Selfie Confidence

There are so many things that run through our minds as soon as our phones are suddenly held at eye level. Does my hair look like I just walked a red carpet? Did I beat my face enough or can I use a little more eyeliner? OMG…is that really something in my teeth?

As stressful as those scenarios may sound what could ultimately be a bathroom photo shoot selfie stopper is a dare we say, PIMPLE! These horrible little buggers seem to pop up whenever we are trying to be the wonderful diva we are inside. Well fret no more for now we present 5 skincare tips to help build selfie confidence!

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1. Aim to use cleansers that contain salicylic acid or alpha hydroxyl acid which are amazing ingredients for unclogging pores.

2. Always apply moisturizer after washing your face in order to replace any moisture that was lost during cleansing.

3. Of course, we know you must use your hands to apply moisturizer but that’s all the touching that should really occur. Continuously touching the face runs the risk of transferring oils or bacteria to your skin.

4. Get into the habit of exfoliating your skin twice a week with products containing small grainy particles or micro-beads. Using such products will not only help to keep pores unclogged but will aid in new skin cell growth.

5. When it comes to cleansing use the twice daily rule. Cleaning your skin more often then that on a daily basis can actually create more inflammation and acne.

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Alright girls those are 5 skincare tips that you can store in your back pocket. Now get out there and take some killer selfies! See ya on the Gram…

Thoughts? Talk beauty with us on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.


Beautiful Skin All Summer Part One

Beautiful Skin All Summer Part One

Skin that is smooth and supple does not need to allude you just because the temperature is rising outside. Of course, it is a worry because exposure to such heat can lead to dry skin on various parts of the body. Many women notice dryness occurring with their hands, elbows and face. However, at times dry spots can begin popping up elsewhere when you are exposed to excess heat. Therefore, how can you maintain beautiful skin while having fun in the sun?

When it is not necessary to be out in the sun stay out of the heat. Moreover, when you are out having a good time wear loose fitting clothing in order to avoid becoming overheated. Above all, make sure that you are staying well hydrated at all cost! The body is mainly made up of water so keep it running properly as well as the biggest organ on your body (skin) healthy by gulping some quality H2O. Be sure to consume at least eight glasses of water to keep your skin lithe, soft and lustrous.


Get Clear Radiant Skin All Over Naturally

Get Clear Radiant Skin All Over Naturally

“Wow I absolutely love the bumpy pimple look!” Said literally no woman ever…acne can seem to spring up over night and without warning. Oh and if it was only a problem that could be found on our faces. Blemishes can reveal themselves also in the neck, chest and back regions to name a few. Therefore, is there anything that can be done to control acne naturally?

You could hit the beauty aisle but the products and skin medications you find there may  contain chemicals that have the ability to diminish pimples, but many women find them to be excessively drying. Or such products could be too strong for sensitive skin causing irritation. Simply replace those options with a little known natural ingredient…witch hazel. All you have to do is rub witch hazel on your back, face, chest or neck to help prevent acne.

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Make Makeup Last All Day Long Part Three

Make Make Last All Day Part Three

Beauty Quickie: Hopefully if you have been following this series of quick beauty tips you have the theme and thrust behind them clearly in mind. The breakdown of makeup usually occurs due to skin oil production. After application you can “set” makeup with translucent powder and be sure to include the eyelids. You want to be able to control the oils that are produced and created on the lid in order to prevent creasing of any eye makeup.


Make Makeup Last All day Part Two

Make Makeup Last All day Part Two

Beauty Quickie: There is a very good reason your mother told you to keep you hands off your face. By constantly touching your face you will possibly not only smudge your makeup but the dirt and oils from your hands will transfer to your face causing your makeup not to last as long. Remember, oil breaks down cosmetics so it is best to try to keep oil at bay as much as possible.


Make Makeup Last All day Part One

Make Makeup Last All day Part One

Beauty Quickie: If you prep your skin properly then your makeup will stay gorgeous and right where you want it. A clean face goes a long way in making sure your makeup looks stunning. Never apply more makeup over day old cosmetics and be sure to cleanse your skin morning and nightly. This is an important step because the elements i.e. sun/wind can cause oils to be produced and oil in turn breaks down your makeup. Help control oils and dirt by cleansing your face regularly.


New Season, New Beauty Routine

New Season New Beauty Routine

Beauty Quickie: It is very wise to change up the beauty products you use as the seasons change. This is because your skin requires and has different needs during various parts of the year. Winter tends to be drier so your products should have a more moisturizing effect. Moreover, during summer which is approaching rapidly, use products containing lots of SPF to protect skin. Trust us, it is a complete myth that black skin does not need to worry about sun exposure.


Shea Butter-A Natural Jewel

Shea Butter-A Natural Jewel

We have talked a lot about the use of natural products when it comes to skin as well as haircare. There is a reason why our grannies used shea butter and passed the torch and beauty tip down to us. Shea butter is an all natural product that comes with numerous benefits.

Shea Butter has natural antibacterial properties that make it great for preventing stretch marks, wound healing and it can also be used as an anti-aging treatment for skin. With so many products on the market right now that are chalk full of chemicals that can irritate our skin, shea butter is a refreshing alternative. Nevertheless, do not just think that this jewel of nature can only do wonders for your skin. Shea butter also can work its magic on your hair, but we’ll discuss more on that in a future post.

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