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Hair Journey: Growing Hair Down Your Back

Hair Journey Growing Hair Down Your Back

One question I’ve been asked numerous times is how I grew my hair down my back and how long did it take. Well, to be completely honest it has been different every single time. I have taken my hair out several times in different ways (more on that in my next post).

Nevertheless, the methods I used all seemed to yield great results so I will briefly share them with you.

I have employed “going natural,” hair straightening, vitamins and even wearing wigs. When I went natural I basically just worked with my hair’s natural curl pattern.

This was tough because I wasn’t quite sure which products to utilize because previously the flat iron or pressing comb had always been a girl’s best friend. Products that proved to be a lifesaver were:

  • non-alcohol hair gel/pomade
  • leave-in conditioner
  • hair oil
  • sulfate free shampoo and conditioners
  • mayonnaise (for deep conditioning)
  • hair ties and foil

Every time I cleansed my strands I would always follow up with a leave-in conditioner and hair oil. The conditioner gave my locks vital nutrients and moisture while the hair oil would literally lock it all in, basically sealing in all of the good stuff.

One of my favorite conditioners that I have used for years is by Mane and Tail. Many shy away from their products because Mane and Tail is actually used on animals such as horses to keep their mane looking pristine. Now I’ve seen some horses with hair I’d love to detach and place upon my head, so what’s good for the goose is good for the gander!

Moreover, my natural hair tends to be quite unruly, so to keep it in line I would apply a hair gel or pomade. Braids also helped to achieve wavy hairstyles as well as foil rollers.

In another post, I promise to show not only how to make the roller, but an easy hairstyle to achieve with it as well.

Another method I used was simply straightening my hair every two weeks.

I would also apply a hair mask after cleansing my hair and leave it on for at least 30 minutes. Daily maintenance would include wrapping my hair up with a satin scarf at night not only to reduce friction created while at rest but also to help give my hair a slight bend so that using a curler would be unnecessary.

Also, every day in the morning after combing my hair I would apply a very light hair oil to keep my locks strong. One thing I will stress is that keeping heat to a minimum has always helped my hair to grow faster. I know that may not be the case for everyone, but that is definitely something that helps give my growth cycle a boost.

When it comes to vitamins, I have taken Biotin as well as B vitamins and received great results. To this day I like to take Women’s One A Day multi-vitamin which includes all the vitamins you need for healthy hair, skin and nails.

Lastly, as mentioned I have employed wigs to grow out my hair. I prefer wigs where all of my hair is safely resting underneath; however, half wigs look way more natural so for appearance sake I opt for half wigs or wigs with a movable part.

Out of all methods used my hair grew the fastest using the wig method, it literally only took about 5 months for my hair to go from above my shoulders to down my back. In a future post I will focus specifically on the wig method and tell how I did it.

Thoughts? We love to hear from you all, drop a comment or hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.

See more of my personal hair inspiration on Instagram! Search for @1966mag and @misslittle_brownie.


The Purpose of Dry Shampoos

The Purpose of Dry Shampoos

Dry shampoo was originally invented to assist those who were unable to cleanse their hair on their own or due to circumstance i.e. in hospitals and medical facilities. Nevertheless, dry shampoo has entered the hair product market and some wonder how this item can be an useful part of their hair routine. Therefore, what is the purpose of dry shampoos?

Dry shampoo is an excellent way to maintain or rejuvenate hairstyles without having to add soap and water. Moreover, if your strands tend to be on the oily side, dry shampoo can easily refresh, clean and soak up any excess oils. Not sure what brand you should use or try out? Try using regular baby powder which doubles as a great dry shampoo. Sprinkle the baby powder on strands then brush the powder out. Remember, the darker your hair color the more noticeable the powder will be; so then, go slowly using smaller amounts until the powder has been worked through.

Bonus Tip: Dry shampoos are also great post workout to freshen locks.

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What are your thoughts on dry shampoos? Talk hair with us on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.


Coloring Your Hair and “The Wait”

Hair Coloring and the Wait

Hair Quickie: If you have just colored or dyed your hair try to wait at least 48 hours or more before washing your strands. This is because every time you wet the hair the cuticle opens and you want to give your hair time to seal in the color. Therefore, if you are planning activities where you know you will need to shampoo your hair it is best not to color your hair right before that time.

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3 Hair Tips Every Girl Should Know

3 Hair Tips Every Girl Should Know

Have you ever heard someone say, “I wish I knew then, what I know now.” Knowledge is truly everything and should not be taken for granted, especially when it comes to taking care of yourself. Keep hair healthy and gorgeous with these 3 tips!

1. Sulfate Free Shampoo- Not only are sulfate free shampoos more gentle on your tresses but they can possibly even clean your hair and scalp better. Some shampoos that cause tons of lather often contain a large amount of moisturizing products that can leave nasty build-up on your hair, the very opposite of what you are trying to accomplish. Gross!

2. Cool It Down- Once the shampoo and conditioning steps have been taken always, always, always rinse your hair with cold water. Cool water will seal the cuticle which add sleeker finish to your locks.

3. 10 Minute Rule- Before you blow dry, curl, roll, twist, braid or straighten your hair, you should aim to apply any protection or styling products 10 minutes before you begin your hair process. Doing so will give the products time to penetrate and absorb into strands so that you can derive the most benefits from said products.

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What are your favorite tips to make your hair look gorgeous? Join the discussion on Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram or tweet us @1966magazine.

3 Hair Tips Every Girl Should Know-3

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