Did you know there are over 5 essential things your eye skin needs in order to really be and stay healthy? Did you know there is a product available right now that helps provide every …
puffy eyes

Fenty Skin Flash Nap Instant Revival Eye Gel-Cream and Eye Massager!
Have you ever noticed that Badgalriri NEVER looks tired? Seriously, try to think of the last time our Girl was caught slipping? EXACTLY! You’re hard up because Rihanna always looks awake and …

Gua Sha Benefits -What Improvements Can Honestly Be Expected
We recently had the chance to chat it up with our resident Beauty Editor, Alicia Suggs, of The L.A. Glow about Gua Sha Benefits! The hottest new facial treatment that is rumored to give an improved appearance; sculpt as well as tone the skin naturally. No harmful ingredients or surgery necessary!
So then, how does it work? Moreover, why is this beauty treatment so effective in making skin healthier? Plus, how many different benefits can one hope to gain by getting Gua Sha done on a regular basis.
Gua Sha Benefits -What Improvements Can Honestly Be Expected
1966: Thanks for taking the time to explain this to us Alicia! We know you stay busy!
Alicia: [Laughs] No problem, always here to help answer skin and beauty questions for you guys.
1966: So tell us, what is Gua Sha and why is it so great at improving the look of skin?
Alicia: Well, Gua Sha is quickly becoming one of my top additions to my facials that my clients request because it is tried and true. It has a long history in beauty, going all the way back to the ancient medical traditions of China and Southeast Asia.
During the treatment I use a little tool made from jade stone to perform intentional and repetitive movements. It’s these movements that allow me to really get in there and remove waste.

1966: Uhm… waste?
Alicia: [Laughs] Yeah… but trust me you WANT me to remove it. You see, Gua Sha actually works along with your body’s lymphatic system. Specifically in the face, the lymphs are like the “septic system” for drainage.
The best way I can describe it to my clients is to think about using a broom to clean a house. You take that broom and sweep up, cleaning out dirt or anything else you don’t want lying around. Gua Sha movements act like a sweeper, gliding across your face to remove any congestion or waste.
That’s why skin ends up looking so great after because everything is flowing properly because there are no blocks. However, lymphatic drainage has to be carried out in the right order if you want to see the most benefits; which is why it is good to seek out a professional.
Gua Sha Benefits -What Improvements Can Honestly Be Expected (Continued)
1966: Alright, noted we should go visit a pro like you (Alicia is an Esthetician in Los Angeles, California) to get it done right. Besides healthier looking skin are there any more benefits we should know about?
Alicia: Of course! There are a ton of them. Just to name a few, in many cases Gua Sha can help improve: fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, sagging skin, puffy eyes, acne as well as troublesome pimples.
There are other benefits, but many come in wanting to help with the issues I just named; and they are VERY happy with the results. Plus, Gua Sha just feels good! It’s very relaxing. So you get to come in, de-stress and leave with glowing skin that’s vitality has been renewed.
1966: Well, that sounds like an amazing skincare treatment, especially the dark undereye circles part. A lot of us have to deal with that.
Alicia: Exactly, Gua Sha works to really reduce puffiness, darkness and soften deep set eyes naturally. It’s just a great procedure to help bring the life back into your face and skin.
1966: Okay we’re sold! [laughter] Thanks again for the chat Alicia, until next time.
Alicia: It’s a date.
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Beauty Quickie: Best Dark Circle Concealer Tip- Use a Darker Shade
Beauty Quickie: Does it seem like your puffy eyes are thicker than a snicker? Fixing tired eyes to many may seem like a simple solution. For instance, many would say to simply get more beauty rest or slap on some concealer. While both fixes are noble, nevertheless, would you consider trying out a makeup tip that seems kind of unorthodox but the results can be beyond amazing? Well, just hear us out with today’s Beauty Quickie: Best Dark Circle Concealer Tip- Use a Darker Shade?
Best Dark Circle Concealer Tip- Use a Darker Shade
How do you normally apply concealer? For must of us, we pat or slide on one shade of concealer that extends from one end to the other end of our entire under eye area. However, our celebrity makeup professional friends say that to really make dark circles disappear it is recommended to use two different tones. A lighter shade as well as darker shade.
Use the lighter shade to highlight the crease (the area right where you feel bone beginning under your eye) and apply a slightly darker shade of foundation to the dark circle area itself. Remember dark colors help to disguise and minimize, while lighter colors highlight and pronounce areas.
Think this method doesn’t work? True or false, do most consider black or white to be a more slimming color? Right, the darker color is known for being able to create a slimming effect. This same principle applies with makeup. Therefore, use a darker shade along with your concealer and watch your dark circles disappear.
**Want Even More Makeup Tips as well as Beauty News, Insights as well as Trends? Download Our New Shiny App! Click HERE**
Thoughts on Beauty Quickie: Best Dark Circle Concealer Tip- Use a Darker Shade? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things fashion as well as celebrity related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.
Puffy Eyes: Light Versus Dark Concealer
Beauty Quickie: Concealer is an excellent product to help fix eyes that look a little puffy. However, should you apply concealer that is lighter or darker to cover up any dark circles? Beauty experts recommend using a darker shade of concealer because darker colors recede. This means darker tints will make any bags look less pronounced.
Remedy Puffy Eyes Even While Sleep
Beauty Quickie: Puffy eyes can be relieved even while you are fast asleep. The key lies in how you position the head. Keep your head in an elevated position when you sleep in order to keep fluid from settling around your eyes.
Did You Know?… Did you know that eating salty foods can cause your body to bloat including the area under your eyes? Reduce your chances of bloat by avoiding salty food consumption.
Fix Puffy Eyes
Beauty Tip: Been out all night with the girls? Work causing you to lack adequate rest? Well any combination of things can cause puffiness, but ladies do not despair! To fix puffy eyes simply apply …