There are some skincare releases you get excited for; and there’s others you run like mad to go cop! This ladies and gentlemen are one of those drops. The Hello Kitty x Starface collaboration is …

ZitSticka Killa Kit -The Patch That Destroys Your Zits!
Zits… enemy of the selfie and heralder of the pizza pie face. These awful boogers pop up without warning and seek to pronounce themselves in the loudest ways during the most awkward; and unconvenient times in life. FIGHT BACK! Get your hands on the ZitSticka Killa Kit –the Prince Charming of beauty that comes in the name of skincare to destroy your zits!
It’s a patch? Yup… and it’s effective. Don’t allow the size of this product to fool you. It may look small, but honey its power is mighty! ZitSticka’s patch is like no bigger than your average contact lense; but it gets in there to demolish a pimple like no other. How?
ZitSticka Killa Kit -The Patch That Destroys Your Zits
Well, let’s allow the ZitSticka brand to fill you in on those details. In regards to their amazing Killa Kit the beauty label says,
“For the deep, hard-to-reach zit. KILLA is a zit patch powered by ZitSticka’s signature microdart technology. These tiny microdarts self-dissolve to flood the epicenter of your early stage zit with targeted ingredients; clearing the upcoming drama before it gets real.
We were going to [say] something about our microdarts being like 24 terrifying fangs. But alas! That would be deceitful. These teeny microstructures are less about pain, and more about a firm tickle. Allowing our clean potion of ingredients to target zits where they start.
[Furthermore] priming a deep zit before patch application, CLEANA is the perfect hype-man for KILLA. Elsewhere, CLEANA –soaked in exfoliating; de-stressing ingredients — can be used independently to placate a superficial zit’s appearance. The 16-piece kit includes: 8 Microdart KILLA Patches and 8 Soaked CLEANA Swabs.
You know what’s important when treating zits, that no one really talks about? Hydration! Many spot treatments work super hard on the surface, but can dry your skin out to a desert like crisp in the process. Not ideal! ZitSticka is built on a backbone of hyaluronic acid; a superior moisture magnet that keeps your skin juiced up while it’s peer ingredients penetrate into the depths of your zit’s soul.”
The ZitSticka Killa Kit
Pretty cool right? As one can see, skincare has come A LONG way. Gone are the days of slathering on toothpaste and uttering several silent prayers. Now, salvation can come in the form of a patch. A patch primed and ready to help and get your skin to remain flawless!
Ready to take the ZitSticka Killa challenge? Cool. Head on over to to pick yourself up one of their kits. Each one currently retails for $29.
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Thoughts on ZitSticka Killa Kit -The Patch That Destroys Your Zits? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things beauty as well as skincare product related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.
Clear Skin- The Easiest Methods for the Lazy Beauty Girl
Do you crave to be able to bare it all? Well, now you can! We are revealing how to say bye-bye to acne, zits and dry skin and hello to flawless, gorgeous skin!
As anyone on this planet knows getting a zit especially right before a special occasion can be the pits. However, with the following quick tips you can achieve clear skin and help keep it that way.
If you are in Los Angeles or the Valley, skip doing your own skin care. Visit my favorite celebrity esthetician that specializes in facials and back facials, Alicia Suggs of The L.A. Glow. Check out her facial treatments. You can follow her on Instagram too @thelaglow.
For everyone, else check out article below!
Clear Skin- The Easiest Methods for the Lazy Beauty Girl
Water Babies
Are you drinking enough water? This tip is so simple yet still many of us do not always make the best use of it. Drinking enough water every day can help us flush out as well as detoxify our bodies.
What can this accomplish? By staying properly hydrated we are able to rid our bodies of not only bad elements that can make us sick, but also elements that can create our beauty foe, acne.
As a result, it is essential to be sure to drink enough water each and every day. By keeping the body well hydrated with water, we can achieve not only a healthier body but healthy looking skin.
Clear Skin- The Easiest Methods for the Lazy Beauty Girl (Cont.)
Thou Shall Not Be Picker
This year make one promise to yourself, “I will not squeeze or pick my pimples!” When a zit pops up right before a special occasion, it can be very tempting to want to get rid of it immediately. However, doing so could prove to be very costly.
What some don’t realize, is that when you pick or squeeze a pimple you’re only making the problem worse. This is because doing so can actually lead to the acne spreading. So then, what started as a little problem can then become a much bigger issue.
Therefore, what is the cure or solution to this common beauty problem? Instead of squeezing or picking, apply a topical ointment or cream specially formulated to treat acne. Also, applying toner to the skin after cleansing can help to keep skin clear. Use Q-tips or cotton balls to dab on the toner to any infected areas.
Clear Skin- The Easiest Methods
Nothing But a Food Thing Baby
Can you eat your way to better skin? In one word, yes! For healthier clear skin be sure to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins such as Vitamin A and Vitamin C.
For instance, Vitamin A has been scientifically proven to help fade brown spots, create smoother skin, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. This is because Vitamin A has the ability to stimulate cells that create tissues that keep skin healthy and firm. Furthermore, this vitamin also helps to protect skin against UV damage as well as infection. Therefore, if you want fresh, youthful looking skin then Vitamin A is the vitamin for you!
Not quite sure which foods will help give your body more Vitamin A? Well, Vitamin A can be derived from such animal sources such as eggs, meat as well as dairy products. However, there are plenty of plant-based food sources that you can consume as well in order to enjoy the benefits of Vitamin A. They are:
Eat plenty of these foods and you’ll be on your way to gorgeous clear skin!
Clear Skin- The Easiest Methods (Cont.)
Get You Some Sun, Hun
This final clear skin tip is actually going to destroy a popular myth. Here it goes: The sun isn’t completely bad. From the time we are very little we are often taught that being in the sun is going to destroy your skin and leave you looking like a horror film character.
Nevertheless, not all sun exposure is bad for you. Yes, extremely long lengths of sun exposure can cause damage, however, small amounts can actually be good for your skin. daily exposure to the sun can manufacture vitamin D throughout the skin.
Research has shown that this natural vitamin cannot only heal but help prevent acne. it does this by helping to reduce inflammation while keeping skin soft strong and smooth with a luminous glow. All you have to do in order to enjoy this benefit is to go outside for just 10 to 15 minutes everyday.
Remember, it’s all about healthy exposure. Short amounts and bursts of time out in the sun can do your skin much good. It is the longer amounts of UV exposure that may cause damage. Therefore, stay balanced with daily exposure to the sun, eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, and don’t even think about squeezing or picking those pimples! By keeping all these tips and tricks in mind clear skin can be yours.
**Want Even More Beauty as well as Healthy Skincare News, Insights as well as Trends? Download Our New Shiny App! Click HERE**
Thoughts on Clear Skin- The Easiest Methods for the Lazy Beauty Girl? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things beauty as well as skincare tips related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.
How to Get Rid of Zits in No Time Flat
Pop that thang girl! Okay, actually in this instance that is very bad advice. When it comes to pimples save all the popping action for the dance floor with your squad. In this post we are going to teach you how to get rid of zits fast in two different ways. Nevertheless, both methods or closely related so you will get a lot of bang for your buck without wasting any time.
How to Get Rid of Zits in No Time Flat
Would you love to get rid of zits while masking them from the world at the same time? Well, dolls you can. In order to accomplish this you need a couple of things. Concealer and a concealer brush.
Now we know you may be thinking, “Why use a brush, my fingers work just fine?” Yes, your fingers are probably very nifty at creating some bomb beat face results. However, concealer brushes work better because their tapered bristles are able to get into every crevice of a blemish. Your bigger fingers cannot not accomplish that.
Furthermore, when getting rid of acne aim for a concealer that contains salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a zit zapping powerhouse! A concealer of this nature will allow you to cover the little bugger up while also simultaneously working to get rid of it.
Many choose to use two products instead of using just a spot concealer product. However, utilizing cover-up and zip cream will not adhere to the skin very well. Therefore, it is best to use a concealer that does it all in one formula. Once you apply a concealer containing salicylic acid with a concealer brush just set everything with a powder that matches your skin tone.
Application Tip: Use short, quick strokes/motions when covering up zits for a more flawless, natural looking finish.
Thoughts on How to Get Rid of Zits in No Time Flat? Gab away with us talk all things beauty related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Pinterest, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.
Beauty Quickie: Can Acne Be Scrubbed Away?
Beauty Quickie: Come on, go ahead and admit it, you have tried this method before at least once in order to remove acne from your midst. To be honest, we don’t judge or blame you because let’s face it a giant pimple wouldn’t exactly be described as “cute.” Nevertheless, what really happens when we try to buff our acne into oblivion?
To make a long story short, taking a washcloth or harsh substance to the face while scrubbing vigorously will only achieve in removing the top layer of skin. What’s worse is that this action actually results in more acne being produced! Yikes… definitely not what you are after if your aim is to control your skin’s oil production.
Nevertheless, why exactly would serious scrubbing backfire in this instance? This is because getting rough and going all Hulk on your delicate face causes irritation. Therefore, mistreating your skin will have the adverse effect that you are after. So then, leave the buffing for your nails and always treat your skin gently and with much care.
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Don’t Hide, Just Concealer Yourself
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Get the Red Out
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