Everyone is trying to wear the high bun but many have a hard time mastering the look. They can’t decide the placement of the bun, the width, if they need to add more hair for thickness or if they should even be attempting the high bun for their face shape. Below are 7 Ways To Wear A High Bun.

High Bun Box Braids. Spring is almost here so since many love getting there hair braided up, wearing a high bun also is a no brainier. The braids have so much grip you usually can bring the braids up to the crown and twist and the braids will stay in place. If you need definite security you can always get a strong hair tie and use that to secure the braids. Make sure the hair tie is not showing, it isn’t that cute to see a stray hair tie unless it’s bejeweled or embellished.

I love the Natural Girl High Bun. It’s one of my favorites and you are using your own hair texture for the bun. The way your curls have a mind of it’s own really plays well with the high bun making it look effortless, fresh and clean. Truly beautiful.

If you love wearing Havana Twists this is a great way to mix things up. Putting the braids up in a high bun like ig: @aliciamarie_27 did, makes her look so studious and also takes tension off the scalp for awhile.

Blow out Bun. This is a great way to wear a bun. This way you you maintain a lot of body in your hair since you didn’t straighten it. You are now able to mold your hair with the greatest heights since you have more texture to your hair. This is also good if you you have been damaging your hair with heat products and need to give it a break.

Hair Extension High Bun. Let’s be honest some of us just do not have the hair length naturally to create this high bun. But don’t fret there are always extensions, clip-ons and so much more you can add to your hair to give you the desired bun you have always been looking for. A note though buy the right hair texture to match your own hair, not the desired texture you have always longed for. Also make sure you buy the right hair color as well. It looks ridiculous when you have black hair and you have a pure blond bun on the top of your head.

Center Crown Hair Bun. Tracee Ellis Ross has done this bun justice. Not all look great with this bun but if you have a similar shape face as Tracee this is the choice for you. The center crown high bun also must have the right thickness as well. A thin high bun just doesn’t work for this type of style. But as mentioned before if you do like the center crown high bun then get extensions if this is your preferred look for a high bun.

Chanel Iman looks so cute in this Straight High Bun. What works is that she is not worried about flyaways which makes it look natural and not so fussy. She does however make sure the bun is secured nicely since she does have straight hair, so it won’t look like she has hair sprigs everywhere.