If you are reading this, we know when it comes to fitness; you are ready to level things up! Yet, school, work, studying and hustling; leaves us all lethargic, less motivated and just plain tired. …

How Many Calories Does 100 Sit Ups Burn? Getting Real with Fitness!
FITNESS QUICKIE: As you huff and puff during an ab session; have you ever wondered, “How many calories does 100 sit ups burn?” It’s a normal question; because if we are going to put max …
Plank Pull – Halle Berry Shows and Tells How to Get Her Abs!
FINALLY! For years, sultry screen siren, Halle Berry has been oozing sex appeal in films, beauty adverts and red carpet events. Leaving the rest of us mere mortals to ponder as we take a bite of pizza, “How in the heck does she stay so flawless?!” Well, Halle is deciding to start answering our fitness prayers. First up on her list is getting us all doing the plank pull. Ladies, our time has come, Halle Berry is finally going to show and tell how to get her abs!
Plank Pull – Halle Berry Shows and Tells How to Get Her Abs
Yes, we all have a little bit of Bond Girl in us; she just might need a little help getting out. Halle Berry is convinced that the Plank Pull is a great place to start. Why not just a regular plank?
Well, planks are excellent for strengthening the core, but after awhile how long do you really want to be stuck holding that position? Therefore, to get more bang out of your buck all you have to do is tack on an additional element. The movement involved with Plank Pulls forces your body to stabilize itself. This slight variation will make the move more challenging allowing you to work your stomach muscles even more fully. Score!
Plank Pull – Halle Berry Tells How to Get Her Abs
Now that we know why to perform one of Berry’s signature fitness moves; still begs the question, how can we attain and keep a physique like an Oscar winning actress. During one of her new Fit Friday tips Halle kindly gave her fans some exercise advice. She says,
“It’s fitness Friday! You asked how to get started? It’s simple, you just decide to start!
You decide today that you are worth it! Trust me, I know it’s hard to focus and dedicate time to working out each day, but with 24 hours in the day you can surely take one and dedicate it to you! You don’t need a fancy gym to get started. All you need is a living room, the patio, kitchen floor, a driveway or a backyard, and a bottle water.
This simple exercise is called a plank pull. This starts to strengthen your core, and a strong core has been key to my workouts.
Each week I’m going to pick a question that you asked and Peter, my trainer, and I will do our best to answer. First, we were asked: If you have weight to lose, is it better to lose weight before you start working out? Peter says it’s best to do them simultaneously.
You can start by walking each day or doing jumping jacks for cardio, while using very light weight. Or again holding water bottles in each hand if you don’t have weights. And you can also start the plank pulls.”
Plank Pull – Halle Berry’s Trainer Demonstrates
Alright, so we got the motivation and we know all the benefits. Now it is time to implement! Halle Berry’s trainer, Peter Lee Thomas, breakdowns how to do the Plank Pull with excellent form!
What You Will Need
- Full Water Bottle or Light Weight
- Your Own Body Weight
Step 1– Position yourself into the classic plank position keeping stomach tucked in and contracted. Hold the water bottle in your right hand and extend arm forward. This is the starting position.
Step 2– While maintaining the plank, draw right arm back until your hand is near the chest then extend the arm back to start position. This is one rep. Do as many as you can then switch sides.
Step 3– Move the bottle or light weight to your left and repeat the exercise. Stay in a plank, but extend and pull left arm like you had on the ride side.
Step 4– Do as many reps as you can on the left side and then you’re done!
Plank Pull – A Little Halle Motivation
Need a little more motivation to stop your Stranger Things binge and get off the couch? We have complied a lookbook of some of Halle’s hottest body pics over the years. Enjoy the Fitness Confidence Inspo and happy planking!
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