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AJ Crimson Cosmetics Mixer

AJ Crimson Cosmetics

Celebrity makeup artist, AJ Crimson, is the innovator and creator behind a new line of cosmetics that is set to become the makeup of makeup artists the world over. We recently had the privilege of attending a mixer hosted by AJ Crimson and the good people over at Beauty Frends in regards to the new brand. We were instantly blown away during Crimson’s makeup demonstration. Here’s why:

*BB Cream and Foundation shades literally cover ALL skin tones. Many lines make this claim, but AJ’s makeup is bar none in this area. Whether your skin tone is closer to Tyra Banks or Alek Wek you will find the tint that matches you perfectly.

*You don’t need a whole bunch of products to highlight, contour or add color to your eyes and cheeks. You can just use AJ’s foundations to achieve a “beat” face.

*Used to having to set your makeup before you can walk away from the mirror? This step is no longer necessary, just apply and go.

*The model during the demo had tattoos and Crimson’s foundation made them disappear, like POOF, gone. Even up close you would never think any tattoos had previously been there (see picture below). Just think what that means if you are needing to cover some sort of blemish or acne. It will literally disappear before your eyes.

*You no longer have to look like a cake face to look flawless. AJ’s makeup ensures that you achieve a glowing, natural look.

Alicia and I (Arianne) were able to get matched by the cosmetics genius himself and we have been loving the results! Be sure to check out our future additional posts regarding AJ Crimson’s amazing brand. Happy Monday and enjoy the pics and video!

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