Sometimes it’s not always about being so regimented about our exercise routine. We also have to watch what we consume in the form of food each day. That’s why fat burning foods are important.
Yes, we all know you should stay away from junk food or that dessert table unless it’s the fun folks over at Captured Desserts. However, there are foods you should reach for without any sort apprehension because they are fat burning foods.
Below is a list of 14 Fat Burning Foods you should be eating now.
- Greek Yogurt
- Celery
- Water
- Quinoa
- Oatmeal
- Berries
- Watermelson
- Fish
- Cucumbers
- Eggs
- Green Tea
- Coffee
- Hot Peppers
- Grapefruit
Take Advantage of Fresh Produce
With produce at its peak during the summer months, now is the perfect time to indulge in nature’s finest by eating the freshest vegetables.
- Tomatoes: Slicing one cup of raw tomato for your lunch salad gives you as much as 40 percent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C and 20 percent of your daily vitamin A.
- Avocados find their way into salads, dressings and on top of burgers regularly, so it’s a good thing that they’re full of fiber, vitamins B5, B6, C, K, folate and potassium, as well as cell-protecting antioxidants.
- Greens: Beet greens, dandelion greens, spinach, lettuce and Swiss chard are all in season throughout the spring and summer months. These greens contain protein and iron, and are full of the cell-protecting and repairing antioxidants, vitamins C and A, as well as B vitamins and fiber. Not only do they make a great salad, but you can toss them into a blender, along with some fresh fruit for a green smoothie.
- Bell peppers make a colorful addition to a snack, salad or meal, but there’s more to this crunchy fruit than meets the eye. Bell peppers contain phytochemicals called carotenoids, which give them their bright colors – and a diet high in carotenoid-dense foods has been associated with reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and age-related eye diseases.