Beauty Quickie:
Got more blackheads than trees in the Black Forest? Experiencing 99 problems and acne is only one? Take a deep breath love, you are not alone. Trouble areas having been popping up since the Stone Age. However, just know that they can be fixed! Here is a neat, nifty and easy way to naturally remove blackheads.
What is a black head? Simply put it is a very small, black-tipped fat butt mass that finds its way into a skin follicle. Usually, these ug-bugs are found on the face. Not cool when its like Picture Day, Snap Story Time, Driver License Photoshoot Day or about time to post a new selfie on the Gram.
The Trick
You will need the following ingredients:
- Lemon Wedge
- Raw Honey
To naturally remove blackheads apply five drops on honey onto the open lemon wedge. Next, gently rub the lemon all over your face. Nevertheless, focus attention on your trouble areas and spots. Keep on rubbing for 60 seconds.
After the 60 seconds is up allow the lemon and raw honey mixture to rest on your face. Set an alarm for 5 minutes. Then, do some jumping jacks, see whats trending on Twitter or create a new meme that will win the Internet. When your alarm goes off rinse off the lemon and raw honey mixture with cool water.
Naturally Remove Blackheads – Last Words
Boom! Easy right? You can naturally remove blackheads without the fuss. Here is one thing to keep in mind about this natural tip. Citrus can be amazing for your skin but there’s one small downside. Citrus has the ability to make skin sensitive to light or radiation.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to perform this natural skin procedure at night before bedtime. That’s all for now!
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