Living life to the fullest, while being very successful? Not a mere a dream! All you need is to create balance and focus; and couple goals with consistency. That is why today we are doing …

Affirmations for Self Esteem -Change Your Life for Good!
Affirmations for Self Esteem can push and BLAST you past any barriers; or feelings of self-doubt holding you back from reaching success! Fear or negative views of self can prevent any of us from attaining our true potential. Don’t allow that happen.
Take a few moments everyday to speak and bring real positivity into your life. You will soon find yourself acting different, speaking different; and carrying yourself with more respect and confidence.
Such a demeanor will help you achieve goals and dreams with more vigor and skill than you ever thought possible. So then, take control! It does not matter how you grew up, what your background is; or how damaged you may feel. You can ALWAYS change for the better and make your life grander than you have ever even dreamt.
Affirmations for Self Esteem -Change Your Life for Good
How do affirmations work? Well, affirmations are powerful, positive statements that can help a person to challenge and overcome both self-sabotaging as well as negative thoughts. When you repeat them often (especially on a daily basis); and believe in their message, you can start to make positive changes.
Remember the half glass of water saying? It tells us to learn to look at a glass as being half full, instead of half empty. Dwelling on emptiness will only bring on more misery into our lives because we’re only focused on what is going wrong instead of solutions.
Choosing to focus on the positive side of things helps us to think about opportunity and real solutions to make things better for ourselves. Our minds are not clouded by negativity; but instead are full of positivity, hope and action. See how having and developing a positive attitude can benefit you?
That’s the greatness behind affirmations for self-esteem. You are literally able to reprogram your mind into believing a positive stated concept. So then, start today. Take control of your thoughts and mold yourself into a more confident, positive and healthy self-esteem person and WATCH more good find itself in your life!
50+ Affirmations to Boost Your Self-Esteem
Remember it is impossible to be successful WITHOUT high self-esteem. Say the below affirmations to daily to help rewire your thought process. You WILL be about to restore your damaged self-esteem AND build and grow your confidence!
“I am powerful.”
“Everything I desire is possible.”
“I breathe in confidence and breathe out fear.”
“Today I will walk through my fears.”
“I am in charge of how I feel today.”
“My self-esteem is solid and unbreakable.”
“Am worthy of community and belonging.”
“I have the power to create the life I want.”
“There is no one better to be than myself.”
“I deserve the best, and I now accept.”
“Am worthy of learning of knowledge.”
“All I need is already within me.”
“I am fiercely capable.”
“Every challenge is a gift.”
“Today I choose to be confident.”
“Amazing opportunities exist for me.”
“Am worthy of friendship.”
“I am beautiful, inside and out.”
“Am now putting my life in order, preparing to accept all the good that is coming to me now.”
“I believe in myself.”
“My kindness and compassion make the world a better place.”
“I create positive and supportive connections.”
“Yes, I am allowed to say No to others and Yes to myself.”
“Am worthy of encouragement.”
“I accept and love all of me.”
“Not going to lie… I look amazing today.”
“Am worthy of peace, caring and serenity.”
“I am energetic and enthusiastic.”
“Today I attract confidence and a healthier sense of self-esteem.”
50+ Affirmations to Boost Your Self-Esteem (Continued)
“I am flexible and adapt to change easily.”
“Today I am a leader.”
“I forgive myself for my mistakes.”
“My challenges help me grow.”
“Am worthy of companionship.
“It’s okay not to know everything.”
“I can get through anything.”
“Everything will be okay.”
“Am worthy of having my voice heard.”
“I can get through anything.
“Today is going to be an awesome day.”
“I am surrounded by love.”
“My positive thoughts create positive feelings.”
“Am worthy of love and compassion.”
“I can do anything I put my mind to.”
“I am whole.”
“My confidence grows when I step outside my comfort zone.”
“Am worthy of equality.”
“I have confidence in every decision I make.”
“Everyday is a fresh start.”
“I give myself permission to make choices.”
“I can do better next time.”
“Truly believe in myself and my abilities.”
“I trust my intuition.”
“Am worthy of respect.”
“Good things are going to come to me.”
“I have the ability to achieve my dreams.”
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Successful Day: 6 Things to do to be Super Productive
Next time you want to have a very successful day there’s 6 things you need to remember to do first. Nothing crazy, just a few tweaks to get your mind as well as body in the game. All six of the following tips are easy to do, simple to remember yet can have a POWERFUL effect on how your day goes. Therefore, let’s get right to them so you can be on your way to a more efficient, brighter and productive you!
Successful Day: 6 Things to do to be Super Productive
Hit the Sheets – Researchers aren’t just preaching proper beauty sleep for no apparent reason Missy! Lack of sleep could result in irritability, impaired memory, weight gain, lackluster skin, high blood pressure and an exhausted brain. Yikes… doesn’t sound like someone having a successful day huh? So then, don’t become a sleep deprived casualty from staying up too late on Instagram or Netflix. Go to bed at a decent hour so you can be sure to get enough sleep.
Coffee Run – Not a believer of the black stuff? Well, does the thought of gaining more energy sweeten the deal? Just think of all the work you could get done if you weren’t so tired. Best part, is that this entire process is proven by science. You see, when you drink a nice cup of Joe; the caffeine in it increases the release of what’s known as Catecholamines. Which is basically a fancy term for adrenaline.
Once all this adrenaline hits your sympathetic nervous system that’s where the magic occurs. This causes more blood to be sent to your muscles AND radios to your liver to release sugar into the bloodstream for energy. Then BOOM! A more energetic person ready to tackle the day!
Eat How Your Mama Taught You – Remember as a kid getting told you need to eat your fruits and veggies? Well, turns out that was pretty good advice… for life! Eating “right” and well helps you to function as well as THINK better thanks to all of those awesome minerals and vitamins. So watch what you’re packing in and make sure you’re eating a balanced, healthy diet.
Successful Day: 6 Things to do to be Super Productive (Continued)
Quality H20 – Have you heard what drinking water right when you wake up can do for you? Besides, having the influence to fire up your metabolism and hydrate you; it also can give your brain fuel. This is because water allows the chemicals as well as electrical signals to pass freely between brain cells. Therefore, do yourself a favor and drink up so that you can think clearer in order to make smarter decisions.
Create a To-Do List – Success often boils down to good structure. Think of it like a building, actually two buildings. One is being built with good materials and according to a construction plan; while the other is haphazardly being constructed with supplies arriving late or not at all. Which building do you think will be put together more successfully?
Of course, the one being planned out properly! The other construction site with little to no plan will most likely run into delays, confusion, mistakes and costly financial setbacks. So then, do yourself a big favor and plan ahead, then follow through.
Yes, having a plan of action can go a long way to keeping you on schedule and confident in what you are trying to accomplish. There’s less guessing games and less items that need to get done that will fall through the “cracks.” So don’t fear structure, welcome it.
Successful Day: 6 Things to do to be Super Productive (Cont.)
GOALLLLL! – Hearing that a soccer game can be very exciting; and it can be just as exciting in your journey of having a successful day. Writing down your goals forces you to have to think about them.
What are you trying to accomplish? How badly do you want it? What are you setting into motion to get there? All this thought processing will help you to gain more motivation to keep going. Which is very important when the going gets tough.
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Achieving the Dream: 6 Tips to Reach Your Goals Once and For All!
I’m going to finish school! I will buy a house! I’m going to jumpstart that business! I will get in the best shape ever! Sound familiar? Achieving the dream may seem fantastic and attainable at the beginning of the year; however, for most, weeks and months later they find they are still stuck at square one.
What happened? Life. We get busy, changes occur or things just don’t go our way. Regardless, of what the background story or reason may be; our dreams and accomplishing goals never disappear into thin air. We still want to stretch out our hand as far as it will go to scoop them up, but sometimes we don’t always get there in one try.
Actually, you will be comforted to know that MOST people will experience “failure” or “setbacks” before they reach the success they are after. Nonetheless, is it really a failure if we try yet don’t succeed? Of course not!
Achieving the Dream: 6 Tips to Reach Your Goals Once and For All
You can still get what you want and to where you want to be, it just means you may have to start fresh. A little reboot if you will. Here’s 6 tips that can help you reach your dreams even after starting over.
- Think of your dream as the overall objective. Set 2-3 smaller, reasonable goals that will help you to reach that particular objective. For instance, if your objective is to get into shape; your goals may include: walking 3 times a week, doing resistance training twice a week and to cut out soda completely. By doing those three things consistently you will certainly notice a change and get closer if not attain your objective.
- Buy a planner or calendar. These nifty tools will help you to not only stay organized but be accountable. You’ll be able to schedule tasks that will help keep you focused daily, weekly and monthly.
- Make a list of things that waste your time. Try to eliminate at least one of them. Wasting time on unimportant tasks is one of the biggest reasons people lose their focus and get off track.
- Leave the past in it’s rightful place … the past. Mistakes happen, things get overwhelming and restructure may be in order. The key is not to allow anything to throw you off. Let your history be just that as well as a learning lesson as to what worked and did not work so well.
- Be willing to embrace change and try new things. Doing the same routine and act will only yield the same old results. So if you want to start fresh and achieve a new ending you must aim to step out of your comfort zone and try out new things as well as tactics.
- Don’t beat yourself up for starting fresh or over. Embrace the process and realize that it’s persistence and consistency that will make you successful.
Achieving the Dream: 6 Tips to Reach Your Goals Once and For All -Final Words
Think of achieving the dream as a baseball game. A player steps up to bat. The pitcher hurls the ball and the player takes a swing. Miss. Pitcher changes up his pitch style when throwing the ball for a second time and the player up to bat swings again. Another miss.
Now let’s say the third pitch is different from the first two and the pitcher throws this one with all of his might. The player batting takes a final swing. A HOME RUN! Now do you think the batting player or the crowd is upset that the home run took a few tries?
Of course, they don’t care! They are still just as excited as they would be if it had happened sooner or later in the game. So then, never get upset if it takes you a few tries in order to get where you want to be.
That’s just how the game of life is. Sometimes we get it right the first time, and at other times we might have to wait till our next turn.
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Negative Support -Why Clear Your Group For Better Success
You become like the five closet people to you. Is that a scary thought? Nevertheless, what does that even mean? It means your surroundings are EVERYTHING when it comes to you being a success. That is true whether you are receiving negative support or support that is positive driven.
The people that you allow into your life on a regular basis or either going to push you up or bring you down. Have you ever heard of the “Crab Theory?” It’s an interesting viewpoint that at times can be quite uneasy.
You see it is based on what can occur when a bunch of crabs are piled on top of each other inside a barrel. If one tries to escape, the others will firmly grab onto the escapee and pull him back down into the abyss with them. If the crab struggles too much, it’s actions can even lead to the others killing it.
Kind of morbid, yes, but makes a strong point. That is, some people DO NOT like change. They do not like their environment changing, and they also do not like the sight of seeing others trying to change theirs either.
Negative Support -Why Clear Your Group For Better Success
Therefore, the question becomes… are the people around you okay with you wanting a change? A change perhaps with building a business, getting physically more fit, buying a home or anything you want to do. Are they okay with it to the point of being willing to not only support you; but, actually be happy if you get what you are after?
Furthermore, the crab illustration also demonstrates the importance of being around “like-minded” individuals. Odds are if you are around successful people, you are going to be successful yourself. Why is that?
Well you are either going to learn enough from them to do better. Or, you are going to be around the right group long enough to make the connections you need in order to make your dreams happen too. It’s like an old proverb, “If you are around wise people you will become wise, if you are around unwise people you will not fare well at all.”
Now does this mean that all your friends and family members have be Fortune 500 owners in order for you to associate with them? Of course not! However, they should not be a source of negative support either. If they have your back and are being a positive influence then they are a very valuable asset to your success.
Nonetheless, if at any point you feel that any family member or friend is pulling on you like crabs in a bucket. You may want to be a little more cautious. Helpful criticism and feedback should always be appreciated; because it can help you grow. However, negative energy and constant berating or negative speech will never be a recipe for reaching any goals.
Therefore, it is important to make sure you are clearing out any negative support from your life. You don’t have to cut people off or completely ignore them. Simply protect your mindset and only allow positive thinking and helpful advice to mold and drive you forward.
Negative Support -Why Clear Your Group For Better Success (Continued)
Lastly, the crab theory also solidifies the point of not always going with the crowd. Are you going to be strong enough to handle the feeling of sticking out from the pack? Only time will tell.
Yet, it will help knowing that it is okay to do so. It’s like that familiar saying our parents tell us when we are young. They say, “If all your friends jump off a high wall or mountain, are you going to do it too?
Oh course, it sounds ludicrous to do something like that. Jump off a super high mountain just because our friends do it. It could be disastrous, even costing us our life. However, that is sadly just how some choose to live their lives. They’ll only do things if everyone else does it.
You can see this kind of peer pressure through social media. One couple takes a picture showing the wife extending her hand back to grab her hubby’s hand; and then every couple takes a picture like that. Or one person posts themselves jumping in the air to show they’re having fun and life is good. Next thing you know others are doing the same. It’s the “in” thing to do.
Just like illustratively peer pressure can cost some their lives if they jump off a “high mountain”. Peer pressure can also cost some people their dreams. Such pressure from those close to us can be so strong they cause us to give up.
Negative Support -Why Clear Your Group, Change the Game
How do these types succeed in getting us to quit? Negativity. Ever notice how some famous couples split? Enough negative comments from fans and outsiders then suddenly it’s a bad career move to stay together. Yet, the couples who stay together regardless of what people say years later find those same people rooting for them.
Huh? What changed? Well, the naysayers basically became believers. They came to see that the couple made a great choice by staying together despite negativity and they actually respect them for it. Or even if they don’t respect them they can at least acknowledge the real love and joy that the couple possesses.
The same is true of us reaching our dreams. It’s inevitable that at some point we will face negativity. Not everyone is going to be supportive and quite frankly they don’t have to be. However, it is up to us to weed out those who truly do not have our best interests at heart.
Plus, if we keep pushing forward and reach our goals; we may find that those who did not support now do. That is because they see that WE made the right choice for US. They see that WE were strong and just need to BELIEVE in ourselves. So now, THEY wish they could do the same and can at least admit that they have noticed you brought about a change. The change you wanted.
Negative Support -Final Word
The true key to it all is positivity. If we are around positive people, keep a positive mindset, and stay focused then positive outcomes can be had.
So then, how is your support group? Are they helping or pulling you down? Are they advancing you or causing you to constantly take two steps back? The answers may help you to see if you may need to clear out any negative support.
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