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14 Fat Burning Foods For Summer

Sometimes it’s not always about being so regimented about our exercise routine. We also have to watch what we consume in the form of food each day. That’s why fat burning foods are important.

14 Fat Burning Foods For SummerYes, we all know you should stay away from junk food or that dessert table unless it’s the fun folks over at Captured Desserts. However, there are foods you should reach for without any sort apprehension because they are fat burning foods.

Below is a list of 14 Fat Burning Foods you should be eating now.

  1. Greek Yogurt
  2. Celery
  3. Water
  4. Quinoa
  5. Oatmeal
  6. Berries
  7. Watermelson
  8. Fish
  9. Cucumbers
  10. Eggs
  11. Green Tea
  12. Coffee
  13. Hot Peppers
  14. Grapefruit

Take Advantage of Fresh Produce

With produce at its peak during the summer months, now is the perfect time to indulge in nature’s finest by eating the freshest vegetables.

  • Tomatoes: Slicing one cup of raw tomato for your lunch salad gives you as much as 40 percent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C and 20 percent of your daily vitamin A.
  • Avocados find their way into salads, dressings and on top of burgers regularly, so it’s a good thing that they’re full of fiber, vitamins B5, B6, C, K, folate and potassium, as well as cell-protecting antioxidants.
  • Greens: Beet greens, dandelion greens, spinach, lettuce and Swiss chard are all in season throughout the spring and summer months. These greens contain protein and iron, and are full of the cell-protecting and repairing antioxidants, vitamins C and A, as well as B vitamins and fiber. Not only do they make a great salad, but you can toss them into a blender, along with some fresh fruit for a green smoothie.
  • Bell peppers make a colorful addition to a snack, salad or meal, but there’s more to this crunchy fruit than meets the eye. Bell peppers contain phytochemicals called carotenoids, which give them their bright colors – and a diet high in carotenoid-dense foods has been associated with reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and age-related eye diseases.

Black Women Fitness: Serena Williams Splits Warm Up

Black Women Fitness Serena Williams Splits Warm Up

When we saw these photos our mouths literally dropped to the floor. Yes, we have fitness goals, but Serena shows how to really take things next level! In the pics Williams shows off her extreme flexibility which we are sure is one of the major reasons she dominates on the court. In a caption for the photos Serena even writes, “Proceed with caution.” Oh we will Serena, trust us we will LOL.

Flexibility is one of the most important yet often neglected aspects of fitness. Why is flexibility so important anyway when it comes to having a knockout physique? Here are three reasons why you should not ignore working on being more flexible:

1. Increases blood flow to the muscles.

2. Helps to improve performance in physical activities.

3. Decreases risk of injury since joints are encouraged to move their full range of motion.

So then, flexibility will protect you from needing a doctor after dance class and help you to be a better athlete. Nevertheless, being more limber is not always an easy task. We all have different ranges of flexibility which is why it is good not to compare ourselves to others. However, what are some ways that can help to improve the situation?

  • Warm Up– Never go straight into your workout, warm up first in order to prepare your body for more work. By the time you are done warming up you should be lightly sweating.
  • H20– Drink plenty of water because dehydrated muscles will not stretch to their full range of motion.
  • Be Still-Save static stretches for after your workout and remember not to stretch to the point of pain when holding positions.

There you have it girls some tips to help us all beast like Serena in the athletic department. None of us may win Wimbledon or a Grand Slam but who says we can’t look like we did! Keep up the good work Serena you inspire us to be more fit.

Black Women Fitness Serena Williams Splits Warm Up2

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Detox the Body With Physical Exercise

detox your body with physical activity

Staying fit during winter can pose as a challenge due to harsh temperatures that may keep you shut up inside. However, maintaining a good exercise routine despite any of life’s many obstacles will help keep you healthy from the inside out. What are the many benefits of physical activity?

Physical activity supports the removal of waste, oxygenates cells and stimulates the lymphatic system. This stimulation is vital since unlike our cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system requires activity or movement to function properly. The lymphatic system uses our largest organ, our skin to release toxins. Therefore, when we exercise and work up a sweat we are thus releasing and removing toxins from our body. There are many methods to detox our bodies, but the good old natural way is always best.

detox your body with physical activity2


Weight Train Now For Better Body Now and Later

weight train for a better body now and later

Fitness Quickie: Weight training can help to give you the body of your dreams now, but the benefits will last you far into the future. Many men and women begin to lose muscle mass as early as age 30 which is why it is good to form good exercise habits early. Weight training will help prevent such losses as well as increase bone mineral density that will keep osteoporosis at bay.



Fitness Tip: Dine Out Like a Pro

fitness tip dine out like a pro

Dining out with friends and family is a fun and exciting experience if you’re not worried about your waistline. When you are trying to maintain your fit body or working towards shaping one the last thing you want to do is derail yourself after all your hard work. Therefore, how can you dine out without all the guilt?

When browsing the menu avoid items that have been battered, fried or made with tons of butter. Instead opt for food choices that have been prepared by being steamed, grilled or boiled. Moreover, many dishes come doused in dressings or sauces that can pack hidden calories. Ask your server to bring any sauces or dressings on the side so that you are in the driver’s seat with how much of the liquidity goodness is actually included on your meal of choice.

Two Women Eating Meal Together At Home