Power to the people, fashions, and movers as well as shakers doing it for the culture! Several black creatives have lent their stylish expertise and vibe to infuse the VERY FIRST Forever …
black history month

First Black Barbie Doll-Collect IT! 40th Anniversary Black Barbie Doll!
Can you guess the year that the First Black Barbie Doll made her debut? If you said, around 1967 or 1968; you are…. HALF right. Say What??! Yes, while the Barbie did in fact …
The Obamas Official Portrait Unveiling for The National Portrait Gallery
The Obamas Official Portrait Unveiling was a black history month moment that none are soon to forget. Masses of onlookers turned out to see the stunning creations of artists, Amy Sherald and Kehinde Wiley. Both artists were personally hand-picked by Barack and Michelle Obama in order to capture their likeness. The resulting paintings were unveiled during a ceremony held at the Smithsonian.
Obamas Official Portrait Unveiling for The National Portrait Gallery
The Obamas both shared touching expressions in regards to not only their works of art; but also, the historic legacy behind them. Here is a snippet of what they said:
“As a young girl, even in my wildest dreams, I never could have imagined this moment. Nobody in my family has ever had a portrait. There are no portraits of the Robinsons or the Shields from the South Side of Chicago.
This is all a little bit overwhelming, especially when I thing about all of the young people who will visit the National Portrait Gallery and see this. Including so many young girls and young girls of color who don’t often see their images displayed in beautiful and iconic ways.
I am so proud to help make that kind of history. But the fact is that none of this would be possible without the extraordinary artist; and woman behind this portrait, Amy Sherald. Thanks you Amy. It was a joy to work with you and get to know you.”
-Former First Lady Michelle Obama
“Amy, I want to thank you for so spectacularly capturing the grace; and intelligence, and charm; and hotness, of the woman that I love.”
-Former President Barack Obama
Obamas Official Portrait – The Artists Speak Out
Nevertheless, what about the artists themselves? Both had the honor and privilege of getting to know the Former President and First Lady in order to get inspired when painting their masterpieces. Regarding being able to work on such pieces for The Obamas the artists revealed:
“The ability to be the first African – American painter to paint the first African-American president of the United States is absolutely overwhelming.”
-Kehinde Wiley
“Big thank you to Flotus stylist Meredith Koop for helping with the styling and sourcing of this gorgeous dress for the portrait! It was an honor to work with you!!!!”
Amy Sherald
Wish to see both of these stunning and lovely portraits in person? They are only a trip away, so make plans to travel to Washington, D.C. Barack as well as Michelle’s will hang at the Smithsonian Institute; inside The National Portrait Gallery. Viewing of portraits to the public will begin on Tuesday, February 20th 2018.
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“Girls of Blaze” Solange Knowles Collaboration for Puma Footwear
PUMA‘s Creative Director, Solange Knowles first campaign entitled “Girls of Blaze” is finally out. ‘GIRLS OF BLAZE DISC COLLECTION’ features four unique versions of the iconic PUMA Disc Blaze.
The lookbook is chalk full for vibrant colors. It is to be released at Opening Ceremony this weekend.
Art Direction: Solange Knowles
Photography: Alan Ferguson