How to Identify a Fake Designer Handbag
To say that Louis Vuitton is a popular handbag designer is somewhat of an understatement. Okay it’s a huge understatement. Their bags are in such demand that a very lucrative knockoff market has developed. As a result, it is easy to be taken advantage of if you don’t know what signs to look for to identify a fake. Below are a few tips to make it easier to avoid being ripped off. It may require a little homework on your part but it’s worth it in the end.
- Check the lining color of the bag. If it doesn’t match the lining color on the designer’s website it’s a fake.
- Make sure the logo is not cut off at the seams. If the seam runs through a logo it will always be matched up on the other side of the seam. There should never be a broken logo at the seam.
- Look closely at the letter O. It is quite circular, however, the fakes will sometimes have a more oval appearance.
- Watch out for flawed stitching. Louis Vuitton’s always have perfect stitching that is straight and symmetrical. Count the stitches on each side of the handle. If one side has five stitches so will the other side. If the stitches don’t match it’s a fake.