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Are you feeling stuck? Maybe you’re in a job you hate, in relationships that aren’t serving you, a state of non-progression or in a cycle of unhealthy behavior. If this sounds like what you’re experiencing, know that you are not alone! It’s time to turn things around by exhibiting some Positive Energy!

No more looking at the glass half full. You look at that glass like it is bubbling towards the top and about to spill the heck over! Why? This is because even simply visualizing a successful outcome can help transform your mindset into believing that things are not only possible, but ACHIEVABLE.

Some many unfortunately have learned to be automatically negative. It could be how you grew up, had a bad experience that left you with trauma or maybe no one really ever tried to build your confidence.

Regardless, of what your past may be like; it DOES NOT have to define your present or future. Read that last sentence again if you need to. Positive energy is not dependent on what has occurred in your past. It depends on how you choose to view yourself and circumstances in the present.

So let’s start today. It is time to begin letting go of anything weighing your heart, mind or soul down. Release the weights, release the chains so that you can lighten and free yourself of anything negative. And read on for helpful tips that will help you infuse more positive energy back into your life!

Positive Energy Sources -Believe it or Not They are All Around You!

Many people have the tendency to reach out to a friend, mentor, role model or a career coach, because they feel stagnant and are not achieving the results they want in their life. Deciding to get support is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. There is no shame in asking for help.

In fact, this often saves time and money, while reducing the chance that you quit on your goals. When you are feeling stuck, embracing positivity and those that exude it is one thing that will help you create success!

Your mindset plays a large part in the results you are actually getting in your life.

Mindset involves how you generally view the world and yourself in it. Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? When some professionals work with their clients, they explore their mindset and what they think is possible for themselves. This helps to get to the root of any fears or negative thoughts that limit them from reaching their goals.

Below you will find outlined, the key areas where tapping into more positivity will help, regardless of what you want. Are you looking for ways to increase your income? Would you like to find a fulfilling career and stop wasting your time in jobs that aren’t for you? Want less toxic friends? It is all possible if you remain positive!

Let’s discuss three ways positivity helps you create success!

Positive Attitude -Here’s Exactly How to Create It

1. Come from a place of gratitude- When you are being positive, you see the glass as half full. You know there are many people who are less fortunate than you are. Billions of people in the world live on less than $1.25 a day, without conveniences like indoor plumbing or running water. Do you see how this puts your draining, manipulative boss at work into perspective?

When you celebrate what you do have, you are expressing gratitude, which helps to draw more positive experiences and opportunities into your life. This might be hard to focus on at first, but it doesn’t take much research to see that this is what separates the extremely, successful people from everyone else.

2. Connect with others- Positive people are attractive. They stand out from others and are able to build deep connections in their personal and professional lives. Who would you rather be around someone who is growing and pursuing new things, or someone who is always talking about why dreams never come true?

This might seem obvious, but most people are limiting their own success by surrounding themselves with negative people. By making the conscious decision to be more positive, some relationships in your life could disappear. At the same time, you will be building new connections to help you evolve.

3. See new opportunities- Your mindset determines how you view situations and opportunities. This is important because you are either pulling what you want towards you with your thoughts and actions, or you’re pushing it away from you.

For example, let’s say that two people in a company are laid off. One person sees it as a blessing in disguise because they weren’t happy at the company and not making enough money to live the lifestyle they want. The other person disliked the job as well for the same reasons, but saw themselves as a victim of the company and the economy. Who do you think is more likely to ace their next job interview?

Usually, when you are feeling stuck there is confusion about something in your life. This could show up as not knowing what your ideal career is, feeling constantly drained by the people around you, or repeating behaviors that you know won’t get the results you want.

Focusing on having a positive mindset can help you create success through gratitude, forming deep connections, and seeing new opportunities. What is one thing you can do to have more positivity in your life?


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Arianne Suggs is the founder of 1966 Magazine. I love to write about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, fitness and travel. Join me on my journey.

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