If you happen to experience dairy breakouts you may wonder does dairy cause acne in all girls? Acne can occur for a number of reasons and sometimes many ladies do not think of food as being the culprit. More logical reasons always seem to be cosmetics, lack of sleep or even stress. Therefore, what is so wrong with dairy products in the first place? Dairy is fine, but how everyone reacts to it is different.
Does Dairy Cause Acne in All Girls?
It can be tough to give up dairy in order to avoid breakouts. For that would mean no more ice cream, yogurt and cheese can almost sound like a death sentence. However, there are still plenty of other yummy foods that can be consumed that can make the food switch up worth it. One would have to think long and hard whether to continue to experience dairy acne or cut out dairy in exchange for smooth, gorgeous skin.
So then what causes this type of skin issue? Studies indicate that some milk-based products contain hormones from cows. These very cow hormones in some people stimulate the sebaceous glands. As a result, acne is created. Therefore to answer the question at the forefront of this post, no this reaction is not seen in all women. Most will not have to cut out dairy from their diet but it is a good thing to try if acne keeps occurring after indulging in milk-based products.
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