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Add some real pizazz to your coffee, tea or favorite chill drink with a shot of pumpkin! Hip hop megastar, Cardi B, is at it again with a new release from her vodka infused whipped cream brand and collection. Her new flavor, Whip Shots Pumpkin Spice is perfect for the season and all of your fall beverage combinations!

Yes, this is the time of year where pumpkin food and drinks rule the world. Pumpkin is not only super tasty, but it’s good for you! Some pumpkin benefits include:

  • A good source of potassium
  • Can help moderate blood pressure
  • Very rich in Vitamin A
  • Contains numerous antioxidants
  • Possesses Vitamin E, beta carotene and Vitamin C which support eye health as well as helps prevent degenerative damage as we age
  • Has folate and iron which can help strengthen your immune system

And the above is just the tip of the benefits iceberg. We will go into some more details and research in another article. For now, let’s get into a fun way to incorporate tasty pumpkin into your fall drink and food recipe plans.

Whip Shots Pumpkin Spice- Flavorfully Spiked and Everything Nice!

Whip Shots Pumpkin Spice


If you love scooping up pumpkin drinks at your local coffee or tea shop; consider making your own drink at home instead! Cardi B’s Whip Shots just require a few shakes then you can whip it into any beverage you want. Whether it’s a regular cup of Joe, latte, ice tea or anything else your pumpkin heart desires.

The Whipshots brand shared a few details about their pumpkin flavor. Like is this a permanent flavor or seasonal? They state,

“It’s the season of pumpkin spiked! Your newest fall favorite is available now. Whip your lattes lit and sip it spiked with Whipshots Pumpkin Spice!

Your fall just got lit Fam. Our limited edition Pumpkin Spice flavor is now available nationwide and online. Bring some buzz to your brew and sip it spiced this season with Whipshots.

Don’t be a basic this fall! Upgrade your fall menu and add some much needed fun to your brew. Whipshots vodka infused pumpkin spice is yummy and takes your drink from basic to bougie!”

Well Cardi and Whipshots has spoken. Grab a can and get to shaking. Also, if you love pumpkin pie, consider adding some of this whipped cream on top. Your guests are sure to love it!

WhipShots can be found online and in store. Depending on the can size, it retails from $7-15 per can. So have fun, be safe and happy shopping loves!

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Arianne Suggs is the founder of 1966 Magazine. I love to write about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, fitness and travel. Join me on my journey.