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Looking for some cool experience gifts for kids? Well, look no further than In Kidz World Culture Activity Boxes! It’s like placing your child on a plane and allowing them to ‘visit’ and see the world through fun games, crafts and more!

With In Kidz there is so much for a young mind to experience and do. First, parents just need to pick a ‘travel destination’ for their amazing kids to explore; through a well-prepared box brimming of fun, educational tidbits. What are some interesting places children can learn about and gain cultural insights?

Cultural boxes include:

  • Italy Box

  • Jamaica Box

  • Australia Box
  • France Box

  • Our American Box, Black History Edition

  • Mexico Box

  • Ukraine Box

Experience Gifts for Kids-Nonstop Fun ‘While Seeing the World!’

So what’s inside the boxes? TONS of goodies! There’s toys, puzzles, trivia, card games, coloring books and more! This is no surprise, because In Kidz is a diverse and inclusive toy company on a mission to educate and make a change through play.


Experience Gifts for Kids

Nevertheless, we went to the source to find out more details about this immersive and interactive play experience for youths. In regards to their cultural boxes, In Kidz reveals,

“Each box is lovingly curated by a parent who hails from the country or culture we’re celebrating. The boxes are respectful, ethically sourced, and culturally appropriate and designed to delight and educate your kids.

Our boxes are designed for children ages 4 to 12 years of age. Your child will get:

  • Interactive education materials
  • Informational flash cards
  • Family-friendly activities and games  
  • Sensory toy
  • Hands-on art projects for kids and families to do together
  • Recipe card
  • And more!”

Kids Experience Gifts -Travel and Experience the Globe at Home!

Why is it important for kids to “see the world?” Well, it’s because this planet of ours is a big, beautiful place; filled with beautiful people from all sorts of backgrounds. Knowing about each other, appreciating one another, brings us all closer together.


Experience Gifts for Kids


This why In KidZ was born and developed! When it comes to experience gifts for kids, this brand is top of the line. They really strive to help children learn at a young age that everyone is equal; loveable and deserving of respect as well as dignity. Regarding this In KidZ states,

“In KidZ creates kid-focused products that help children learn about cultures while inspiring them to create a world that embraces diversity of all kinds.With social media, access to the internet, and a plethora of other technological advances; children today have access to more knowledge about other cultures and global opportunities than ever before. Yet, there is a lack of acceptance and understanding of cultural diversity.

[Furthermore] that distance comes down to us; as parents, guardians, and mentors, it is our responsibility to help bridge this gap. At In KidZ, we realized that we can’t expect our children to learn about things we as a society, have yet to fully understand; which is why we created the Culture Box. 

Kids are the future and in this beautifully diverse world; they need to see how all cultures experience life uniquely. At In KidZ, we believe that in our differences, lie our similarities. We encourage our ability to understand and celebrate the differences for each culture.

Our vision is for our children to ultimately accept all humans as they are, with the goal of truly making the world a better place. In this regard, a portion of each box is donated to a charity to further the advancement of children’s education.

At In KidZ, we educate all ages to learn about diverse traditions the right way. We provide the tools to be knowledgeable, accepting and culturally aware citizens of the world.”

Kids Travel Gifts- Get in on All the Fun!



Absolutely amazing! These extremely cool cultural boxes are truly a parent’s dream. Keep kids busy having a great time, while still providing invaluable education.

When shopping for kids’ gifts this season, most parents, family or friends will want to check off the following benefits (which In Kidz checks off effortlessly):

  • Screen-free

  • Teaches about world cultures, diversity, kindness, and acceptance

  • From a small business (run by a mom/child psychiatrist!)

  • Affiliate-linked via Nordstrom, Macy’s, and Target.

  • Use it for years; this isn’t a “toss after one month) type of gift.

  • Includes under $50.00 options.

So as you see, In Kidz culture boxes are a must-have. Excitement, games and more knowledge are all awaiting for your favorite little people. So gift them the best, head to the In Kidz site now!

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Arianne Suggs is the founder of 1966 Magazine. I love to write about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, fitness and travel. Join me on my journey.