My grandmother has the smoothest, softest skin I have ever seen. People constantly compliment my granny on her wrinkle free skin and ask what her secret is and what products she uses. My grandma’s beauty routine has always been simple, wash the face and moisturize.
The British Journal of Dermatology published a study that stated that simple moisturizer may be the easiest way to prevent aged skin. Researchers involved in the study snapped photos of more than a hundred women for a period of eight years. During the eight years besides picture taking the women also had their skin’s moisture measured at the beginning and end of the study.
Researchers concluded that women with the highest levels of moisture developed 30 percent fewer creases over time than those with more parched complexions. Dry skin is fragile, so it’s less able to rebound from repetitive facial expressions. In order for skin to stay supple, it is recommended to apply cream in the morning and at night.