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If you are like me, you hate getting up in the morning.

The sound of that stupid alarm buzzer going off at 6:00AM is like someone raking their nails down a chalkboard. It’s annoying to say the least; especially since you took the time to follow our tips on how to fall asleep fast, so you can get a good night’s sleep.

Let’s face it though: if you have to earn a living, most likely you have to get up in the mornings so you can get to work.

It only makes sense that your waking experience should be a pleasant one. So why not use your sense of smell to wake you up instead of your sight, hearing or sense of touch? Have you ever woke up to the smell of fresh coffee brewing? Well, there is a new sensor on the market that uses pleasant aromas to wake you up.

The Sensor Wake is an alarm clock that uses strongly scented perfumes to permeate your bedroom with delicious smells. You’ll have breakfast, candy, aromatherapy, and even money scented options to choose from. The diffusion system it uses has the ability to wake you up within two minutes.

wake up


Naturally, if you have a cold or the sniffles there’s an audio alarm clock that will also sound after three minutes if you don’t get up.

One scented capsule will wake you up about 60 times, and if you’re only getting up during the business week, it should last you a while. This will cost you around $88, and comes with two capsules. If this smells like a good deal to you then you can follow this link for more details: Available for crowdfunding on Kickstarter.

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