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Beauty Quickie: Water Skin Benefits -Top 10 Reasons to Chug

Water Skin Benefits

It’s just simple math. Our bodies are made up of 60 percent water, so if you don’t drink enough H20 your bodily systems will not function properly. Therefore, to help motivate you to let’s talk water skin benefits. Here’s 10 reasons to go bottoms up in order to give yourself picture perfect skin!

Beauty Quickie: Water Skin Benefits -Top 10 Reasons to Chug

Water Skin Benefits

  1. Improves Skin “Turgor”-Meaning being properly hydrated helps to plump the skin (fuller looks more youthful) as well as decrease the appearance of fine lines.
  2. Banish Raccoon Eyes– Dealing with dark circles? Many of us are, however drinking plenty of water can help you reduce the look and appearance of dark circles.
  3. A Natural Highlighter– Thanks to Fenty Beauty we all want to glow like a Killawatt. Moreover, drinking water can encourage your skin to develop a beautiful natural glow. Take that cosmetics!
  4. Straight Flush-Drink up because water also has the ability to flush your system of harmful toxins. Such cleansing enables your skin to not only be clean; but helps to push out bacteria and reduce the risk of developing acne.
  5. Throw It Round In a Circle– Additionally, water is important to circulation. If everything is flowing right then nutrients and other goodies can easily travel all over in order to give your skin from your scalp to your toes what they need to stay healthy.
  6. Softer Than a Baby-If skin is dehydrated it can become chapped, dry and in some cases “crack.” Avoid this painful result by drinking up so that you have smooth skin instead.
  7. Don’t Let It Snow-Having a dandruff, dry scalp episode? An itchy, flaky scalp is usually caused by a dry one. Help your scalp stay well moisturized by drinking plenty of quality H20; because a healthy scalp can also lead to more hair growth.
  8. Crystal Clear-Water can also clear up your skin, which is why your daily water intake is important. If you do not consume ample water, bodily wastes and toxins keep on accumulating in the body and can become trapped under your skin. GROSS! Making matters worse, keep in mind that your skin is in fact the largest organ of your body. Therefore, help the biggest organ out by staying hydrated so it can remove such waste. Your body will reward you with clearer looking skin.

Beauty Quickie: Water Skin Benefits -Top 10 Reasons to Chug (Continued)

Water Skin Benefits

9. That’s Tight-Dry skin has less resilience and lacks the ability to spring back into shape. So then, besides giving your skin a more youthful appearance, water can additionally aid in keeping skin tight and toned as well.

10. Beat the Clock-As we get older our bodies have a harder time retaining moisture. Lack of hydration can result in a duller complexion. Therefore, right now get into the habit of drinking a sufficient amount of water. Doing so, will help you maintain a radiant look even as the years tick by.

As one can see there are many water skin benefits to enjoy. However, drinking water alone is not the only thing you should be doing to serve up some major face. Check out our Beauty Section (www.https//1966mag.com/beauty) for even more awesome skincare and beauty tips!

**BEAUTY WARNING** Keep an eye out for our next Beauty Quickie, we’ll be sharing how much water you should be drinking each day. The answer may shock you…

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Thoughts on Beauty Quickie: Water Skin Benefits -Top 10 Reasons to Chug? Well let’s connect then! Join the discussion and talk all things beauty as well as skincare tips related with us by dropping a comment like its hot down low. Or also hit us up on our Facebook, Instagram (1966mag), Tumblr, Pinterest or tweet us @1966magazine.


Beware of Water Temperatures For Beautiful Skin

Beware of Water Temperatures For Beautiful Skin

Beauty Quickie: That dry skin you are experiencing can literally boil down to one thing… water. Not so much as the bonded hydrogen and oxygen itself, but the temperature of the liquid-y goodness. Many know the long hailed beauty tip to never wash or shower in hot water but do not really know why that is the case. What happens to the skin when exposed to hot water?

Hot water wrecks havoc by stripping your skin of natural oils thus leaving it parched and dry. This is true whether rinsing hands, showering or even simply splashing your face. Moreover, going a step further during the winter season the air is particularly dry so then by tacking on the habit of hot water use you are in for a season of really dry skin. That is so not cute by any means, shape or form. So then, how can you prevent this from happening? Instead of using hot water opt to rinse with warm or cooler temp water instead.

Beware of Water Temperatures For Beautiful Skin2


5 Ways to Help Curb Your Hunger

5 Ways to Help Curb Your Hunger2

Okay ladies, summer is seven months away and by making some changes now you can have an eye-popping body when things really heat up! One problem that many struggle with when it comes to weight loss is diet. Especially, here in the states where portions are enormous and are like eating 3 meals in one setting.

Nevertheless, beyond learning the correct portion size at mealtime just getting to the point of eating less can be challenging. On paper losing weight is quite simple, burn more calories than you take in or consume. With that being said, are there any tips that will make diet less stressful? Of course darlings, here are 5 ways to help curb your hunger!

5 Ways to Help Curb Your Hunger

  1. She Eats Carbs!– In The Devil Wears Prada carbs was a sin, but when it comes to feeling full longer you are going to want to partake in some fiber. Fiber found in whole grains, seeds,nuts, veggies and fruits like apples will help fill that bottomless pit of a belly quicker helping you consume less.
  2. Water Baby– Take a clue from an old toy and make sure that you are FULL of water. Dehydration is a major culprit for overeating because the body increases hunger pangs in order to try to tempt you to drink more and rehydrate.
  3. Cool Like a Cucumber– Tough exams, work projects and gaining a zit before picture day can make any gal throw her hands up in protest. However, remaining calm is the best answer to not overeating when stressful situations occur. Stress can cause a hormone known as Cortisol that will make you hungry. Go for a jog, dance, comment under Drake’s muscle pics or anything else that helps you feel at peace.
  4. Be a Regulator– This may sound like you are getting ready to drop the hardest LP of 2016, but nope its just suggesting you regulate your blood sugar. If you don’t then you will crave more food which could result in you guessed it, more weight gain. How can this regulation be achieved? Eat fiber/proteins and drink plenty of H2O.
  5. So Trashy– The best way to curb cravings is to get rid of the bad foods that you crave regularly. If that is too tough try buying snacks that come in small packages instead of the larger bags or boxes.

Thoughts? Talk fitness with us on our Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or tweet us @1966magazine.

5 Ways to Help Curb Your Hunger3


Save the Selfie! How You’re Causing Water Damage to Your Phone in Your Car

Save the Selfie! How You're Causing Water Damage to Your Phone in Your Car

In these modern times technology is all around us in order to make life easier and smoother. Often times, especially here in the states and our hometown Los Angeles we literally live in our cars. To get anywhere we need them and when weather is an issue we are glad to have wheels.

Nevertheless, as nice as zipping around town on fours is, having a phone seems to be the pinnacle of life. It’s the mode to have instant communication with friends or family, direction mapper, selfie taker, data analyst, document creator and list goes on and on. However, these two awesome inventions can prove to be deadly when combined.

Save the Selfie! How You're Causing Water Damage to Your Phone in Your Car2

Dun… Dun…. Dun! Well, it will only be a scary situation if you allow it to be. What some ladies and gentlemen are not aware of is that they are causing water damage to their phones while in their cars. How is this happening?

Have you ever gone through a drive thru and ordered a drink and put said drink in a cup holder? Most of us have its what the holder was designed to do. Moreover, once that drink has been finished you may toss it and place your phone in the very spot it the drink had been located. The leftover condensation from the drink can seep inside through the charger port and wreak havoc.

Save the Selfie! How You're Causing Water Damage to Your Phone in Your Car3

It is like taking your phone and dropping it in its own little pool. Keep your phone safe by waiting for your cup holder to be dry or use napkins to speed up the process. You may also consider finding a different spot in your ride for your phone to chill at while you man the controls. Therefore, be careful with how you treat your phone in your auto and live to take another selfie.

Thoughts? Join the discussion on our Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram or tweet us @1966magazine.



Give Your Feet Some Love and Honey

Give Your Feet Some Love and Honey

Summer is the time when the pedicure as well as sandal reigns supreme. However, nothing can kill a look faster than a pair of dry, callous and cracked feet. During the season dry feet may occur due to the area you live in, lots of walking or the heat of the day is literally sucking out any moisture. Nevertheless, showing your feet a little attention and love can get them looking fabulous!

Next time you notice a change in the condition of your feet for the worse try giving them a good soak or “bath.” Mix one cup of honey in a gallon of water and allow your feet to hang out there for fifteen minutes. Doing this treatment will help to bring back needed moisture into your skin. Honey is actually a natural antiseptic or purifying treatment that makes it one of the safest ingredients around to be used in beauty procedures.

Give Your Feet Some Love and Honey2

Thoughts? Talk beauty with us on our Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram or tweet us @1966magazine.


Why Drink Filtered Water

Why Drink Filtered Water

We all need water to live and if we try to go without consuming it within days we would perish. Moreover, there are many beauty benefits that come from drinking the daily recommended amount of H2O.  Beauty experts agree that drinking 8 glasses of water will keep your body healthy and your skin glowing.

However, the scary part is the kind of water that most city dwellers have available to them. Most tap water is filled with various impurities and some can even cause cancer. Well, what’s a girl to do to be able to get her daily intake of water in without causing other health problems?

Some have turned to bottled water, but is that truly the answer? Unless, you have hundreds of extra dough available to spend on a yearly basis that may not be the best route. Instead buying a device to filter your water could be a more suitable choice.

Why Drink Filtered Water

For instance, Brita has designed a facet water filtration system that removes the following from your tap water:

  • Benzene
  • Lead
  • Asbestos
  • Toluene

The only thing Brita will leave behind and not filter out is fluoride. This is actually beneficial because fluoride helps to keep your teeth strong. Therefore, protect yourself from harmful chemicals in water and your body will reward you.

Why Drink Filtered Water



Beautiful Skin All Summer Part One

Beautiful Skin All Summer Part One

Skin that is smooth and supple does not need to allude you just because the temperature is rising outside. Of course, it is a worry because exposure to such heat can lead to dry skin on various parts of the body. Many women notice dryness occurring with their hands, elbows and face. However, at times dry spots can begin popping up elsewhere when you are exposed to excess heat. Therefore, how can you maintain beautiful skin while having fun in the sun?

When it is not necessary to be out in the sun stay out of the heat. Moreover, when you are out having a good time wear loose fitting clothing in order to avoid becoming overheated. Above all, make sure that you are staying well hydrated at all cost! The body is mainly made up of water so keep it running properly as well as the biggest organ on your body (skin) healthy by gulping some quality H2O. Be sure to consume at least eight glasses of water to keep your skin lithe, soft and lustrous.